Rokugan (Crab & Scorpion): Last Night (LEMON) [Episode 25861]


"If you insist," Misao said, looking rather embarrassed as she said so. "I want to hear that story, though."

"Tomorrow, before we leave," Ranma said.

"Now, please," Kyoko said. She was doing her best to be restrained, but there was a certain eagerness in her eyes that was impossible to constrain while there were such flimsy barriers between them and some time alone. "May we be alone."

"Yes, my Lady," Misao said. "I'll be near." She stepped out of the door and slid it closed behind her. They heard her footsteps padding away lightly, as she said, not to far, and then stopped.

"Tomorrow we go on the road," Kyoko said, shifting closer to her beloved. "Will there be time to do any serious training?" She wasn't asking as seriously as she might have, a fact made obvious by the closeness of her body and the fingers trailing along Ranma's side.

"I'll find a way," Ranma said, wrapping an arm around Kyoko and drawing her around so that her face was barely inches away from her fave. His other hand slipped under her and brought her legs across his lap. "But we're not talking about that now."

"No, we aren't," Kyoko agreed as she worked at Ranma's obi to uncover the well-defined muscle underneath.

She felt her own kimono loosening like drapery around her as her obi was undone. She smiled sweetly as she leaned up to meet Ranma's lower face and parted mouths met together.

A hand slipped teasingly over her womanhood and she paused her kiss with a sharp intake of breath...before returning the gesture by brushing over Ranma's cock and momentarily cupping his balls.

Ranma almost choked in response to that experiment of Kyoko's bringing a spate of good-natured giggling from the Crab's wife. The giggling turned into a surprised and amused shriek as Ranma pushed forward and suddenly Kyoko was lying back on the tatami, her kimono almost completely fallen off.

Ranma leaned over her with a smirk on his face, his own clothes as not-present as Kyoko's. He hesitated just a moment before leaning down and trying a little experiment of his own. Kyoko gasped and moaned as her breasts and nipples became subject to a rain of kisses and a gentle, caressing tongue.

Ranma worked his way up to her neck, and Kyoko idly noted that perhaps she should suggest he reverse that move next time. As for now, their lips locked again as their hips aligned and they proceeded to something more straight-forward.

Or at least straight-inward.


Outside the room, Misao scanned up and down the hall trying not to listen to her brother and sister-in-law making love in the room behind her.

She wasn't certain what to think any more. Her instinct told her that Kyoko was no threat directly. In fact that she would be a willing ally. But her upbringing told her to suspect Scorpions.

In any case, it seemed as if her brother knew more about stealth than any Scorpion. And that was even more confusing.

She was looking forward to getting some answers tomorrow morning.

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(Posted Mon, 03 Feb 2003 21:04)

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