Sexpet Nabiki: The cat gets the cream (LEMON) [Episode 25291]

by Rat Bastard

That night, Nabiki had yet another disturbingly perverted dream.

In her dream she didn't have her normal form, nor her previous human body - she was a mixture of dog and girl, not unlike her sister pet Natsume, the arctic wolf, except that she was a lot closer to the animal side. She was furry all over and had a muzzle and four dog legs, instead of the human appendages. In the peculiar way that dreams have, this was entirely unremarkable and natural.

She was currently in a large room with several other dogs - all real animals, not furries like her - and three humans. A banner on the wall declared this to be "The Obedience and Training School for Permanently Horny Bitches", and the three trainers bore striking resemblances to Kasumi, the way she had once looked as a human, Akane and Shampoo. They were being taught to perform the typical dog tricks on command - beg, fetch, speak, play dead, etc. - with harsh but strangely exciting discipline being measured out by the trainers. At the other end of the room there were several cages with very large, very male dogs, and Nabiki instinctively knew that those were the rewards for good bitches. She was trying very hard to be the best bitch she could be.

All the emphasis on obedience and submission, coupled with the punishment by the beautiful and merciless trainers, plus the promise of some private time with a hunky great dane soon had Nabiki excited and panting with lust. Her bitch cunt was drooling uncontrollably, mixing with the scent of the other bitches.

Finally the lesson was over and the Kasumi-lookalike was patting her head and favoring her with a brilliant smile. "Good girl, Nabitchy. Good girl."

Nabitchy was beside herself with happiness and excitement, licking Kasumi's hand thankfully. She was a Good Girl! Master would be so proud! And Good Girls get a reward...

Indeed she found herself led over to the cage of the biggest, handsomest dog in the room, and she was allowed to crawl inside with him, where she immediately presented herself to be mounted. All around her, the other bitches were getting their reward as well, and their barking, yapping and howling was filling the room. When she felt the immense dog step over her to cover and fill her trembling, needful body, Nabitchy joined the chorus. The sheer pleasure of penetration by the large, dominant animal shorted out her senses and her dream-world dissolved into a chaos of blissful pleasure, while she continued barking, barking, and barking...

When she regained her senses, the scene had inexplicably shifted without much in the way of a coherent or logical segue. She was no longer in the obedience school but outside on the sidewalk. Her Master was taking Nabitchy walkies.

With a leash clipped securely to her tightly fitting dog collar, she was completely under Master's control, just as she should be. Walking on all fours at his feet, where she belonged, was a pleasure to her, and she held her head up proudly, so that everybody could see that she, Nabitchy, was Master's property.

After a while, they met someone else along the way, whom Nabitchy didn't immediately recognize - the faces of people seemed curiously blurred and unrecognizable to her - but when he came closer, she could smell that it was Kuno. He stopped and indicated Nabitchy with his bokken voicing a complaint to Master. Nabitchy flinched, as he spoke, knowing that she had been a bad bitch to Kuno. She tucked her tail between her legs and whimpered.

"Yon bitch hath given me much grief at times," said Kuno,
"through haughtiness that doth become her ill.
I trust thou hast her tamed and muzzled now
or doth she tease and rankle others still?"

"Nope," said Master, "She's a good girl, now. Go on, bitch - show Kuno how sorry you are."

Nabitchy whimpered and crawled to Kuno on her belly, her eyes lowered submissively. When she lay before him in the dust, she ducked her head and licked his feet in abject supplication.

"Good Girl, Nabitchy! Now make it up to him - show him what you're good for."

Nabitchy knew what she was good for! She raised her front paws to beg. With her panting muzzle open, her tongue lolling out and drooling in anticipation, Nabitchy whimpered pleadingly, begging for the chance to service Kuno.

Without a word, Kuno let his hakama fall to his ankles and presented his cock to Nabiki's drooling, eager muzzle. She engulfed it with a happy yelp, wrapping her long tongue around it and welcoming it into her throat with a well-practiced swallowing motion. A few seconds later she felt her master enter her sopping bitch cunt from behind. Bliss! She was being used at both ends! She was such a Good Girl!

It wasn't long before she felt both humans spurt their seed into her milking holes, triggering her own orgasm. When they withdrew from her, she dutifully licked their members clean, as well as all other body parts she could reach, especially their hands and feet.

"The change in her is a most wondrous one," admitted Kuno.
"'Tis true that she now doth obey you well.
The sight of this bitch tamed doth pleasure me
so much, I would implore with you to sell."

"Ah, I dunno if I want to sell her yet," said Master. "I wanted to breed her first..."

The thought of her master breeding her with some other dogs and her giving birth to a litter of puppies made Nabitchy's twat clench and squirt juices without even being touched.

As the day before, Nabiki woke up fingering herself and in the throes of an orgasm. She rode it out, while the images of her dream lingered, then started cleaning her fingers.

What is it with these dominance/submission fantasies I keep having? she thought. And what's up with this "treated as an animal" theme? That's the second night in a row! Had it been that boy she fucked at school, who had made her meow and bark and squeal and bray? Had that planted this depraved thought in her brain? The specifics of last night's dream had obviously been inspired by the brief masturbation fantasy based on Michi's words, but where did the initial fascination come from? Sure, she wasn't entirely human anymore, and she was definitely Master Ranma's pet and property, but she still had her human mind and personality. She was still a person and not a helpless, submissive, barking animal!

Nabiki realized that she had started to masturbate again and quickly stopped herself. This was getting bad.

She spent the school day just as the previous one, but the act of walking around with a buzzing vibrator stuffed up her skunky snatch didn't feel as exciting and slutty as it did at first. Her masturbation in the restroom was equally lackluster without a loudmouthed Michi to provide her with ridiculous, kinky fantasies. Consequently, Nabiki felt frustrated and on the verge of giving in to her slutty impulses, when school let out. She raced home without waiting for anybody else.

Arriving at the Tendo dojo, Nabiki found that the familiar surrounding, the availability of her sister pets, and the knowledge that Master Ranma would soon come home helped her calm down enough not to throw herself at Genma, who was currently in Panda form. Only a stray thought how nicely his fur coloration would match hers, if he mounted her from behind. She quickly moved from his vicinity and left the fathers to continue their game, before she felt compelled to interrupt them.

She met Mistress Shampoo in the hallway, and the lavender-haired girl approached her, sniffing at the cloud of sexual smells Nabiki exuded.

"Hmmm, stinky girl smell too too horny, today. Frantic," Shampoo stated. She drew Nabiki close, until their breasts were squashed together, and slipped one hand under Nabiki's quivering tail, immediately shoving two fingers into her dribbling hole.

Nabiki gasped and looked at Shampoo with gratitude, as she involuntarily started humping against the invading fingers.

Shampoo smiled and placed her other hand at the small of Nabiki's back. "Shampoo hear that stinky girl is slut, yes?"

Nabiki managed to nod and answer coherently. "Y-yes, Mistress. Thanks to the wish I have to behave in a slutty, mmmmm, or kinky way regularly. Otherwise I rapidly get too horny to control myself and... I let another man have me once, and I don't want that to happen ever again."

Shampoo nodded and patted her head reassuringly. "Shampoo understand. Shampoo help stinky girl be kinky girl, yes?"

Nabiki had to chuckle, which helped break her tension. Relief was coming.

Shampoo slipped an arm around Nabiki's waist, and they walked towards Nabiki's room. Along the way, Shampoo brought her soaked fingers to her mouth and started licking them clean, then offered them to Nabiki, who happily sucked on them.

When they entered Nabiki's room, Shampoo stopped for a moment, once again overwhelmed by the sheer olfactory presence that Nabiki had impressed upon the room. To anyone who was not a perpetually horny and wet skunk girl, walking into this room was like diving head-first into a giant, man-sized, dripping cunt. As Kasumi had found out, no amount of airing out the room would get rid of Nabiki's all-pervading sexual stink, and staying in here for more than a few minutes only drove the squirrel girl to masturbate, herself, thus adding to the smell.

Shampoo breathed deeply and pulled Nabiki close, once again mashing their large breasts together and kissing her hungrily on the lips. Nabiki gladly reciprocated, and they spent several minutes like that, just rubbing up against each other. Finally they separated, breathing hard.

Nabiki hastily pulled off her school uniform and walked towards the bed, but Shampoo stopped her. "Wait one moment, stinky girl. Shampoo want to see something first."

Nabiki obediently stopped. "What would you like to see, Mistress?"

Shampoo tilted her head cutely and said. "Stinky girl say she have pictures made of all fiancées as animal girls, just like you - Shampoo want to see picture of her."

Nabiki nodded a little nervously. She wasn't sure why Shampoo wanted to see this, or how she would react. If events had progressed differently, she might very well have become what the drawing depicted. Nevertheless, Nabiki went to her desk and retrieved the folder with the pictures she had commissioned. She rifled though the sheafs of high-quality card stock, pulled out the drawing of Shampoo and was about to turn around, when she felt Shampoo's warm body mold itself against her back.

Shampoo's arms encircled her waist losely, and those lovely, hard nipples poked her back, as Shampoo's beautiful, firm breasts pushed against her. She could feel Shampoo's warm breath and the scent of her skin, as the Amazon rested her chin on Nabiki's shoulder and looked at the picture she held.

Nabiki was still nervous. The drawing that she had commissioned of Shampoo as a cat girl was not really perverted as such - but she had chosen to send a photo of Shampoo in a very risque and alluring pose as reference material to the artist. The result was an image of an undeniably sexy anime catgirl with lavender ear tips and tail and a pink, triangular kitty nose.

Nabiki's nervousness lessened, when she felt Shampoo's arms tighten slightly, pulling her closer, and heard her make an appreciative noise, almost like a purr. "Mmmmmrr, that look very sexy. Shampoo is flattered. Stinky girl really looked at Shampoo that way?"

Nabiki hesitated for a moment. "Y-yes. I always thought that your sex appeal is a very important part of what makes you who you are. I never thought we would end up having sex like this - but I always appreciated your beauty."

Shampoo hugged Nabiki tight and kissed her cheek. "Thank you," she whispered hotly into Nabiki's furry, twitching ear. "Shampoo always thought stinky girl look good, too - even before she become stinky sex pet." She looked at the drawing again. "Shampoo very glad she is co-wife with Akane and get to be with both her Airen - but if things had been different... Shampoo think she no would have minded so much, looking like that. Can Shampoo have a copy?"

Nabiki nodded, astonished. "Yes. Yes, of course. I'll make a copy for you, Mistress Shampoo."

"That good," said Shampoo and she brought her hands up to squeeze and fondle Nabiki's breasts. "Now we have much much kinky sex, yes?"

Nabiki just moaned.

Before she knew what was happening, Shampoo had her on the bed and worked her shaking, feverish body over with strong, firm, eerily knowledgeable hands. Shampoo certainly knew her way around a woman's body, finding every single erogenous spot and stimulating it thoroughly. Nabiki found her sensitive breasts squeezed, kneaded and suckled, the rim of her furry ears licked, the nape of her neck kissed and nibbled, the base of her tail rubbed from beneath - which surprised her with the maddening erotic sensations it generated - and finally pulled into a passionate 69 on top of the horny Amazon.

"Oh! Oh, Mistress Shampoo! I love you!" Nabiki shouted as she came for the tenth time. Her tail was waving wildly in the air above her, and she was spurting love juices all over Shampoo's face. She buried her face back in the lavender bush between Shampoo's legs and resumed licking for all she was worth, as her sensitive skunk nose revelled in the scent of Shampoo's secretions.

It was another half hour before the two girls paused for breath. Nabiki rolled off Shampoo's sweaty body and gasped for air. Shampoo scooted around and pulled her into a warm, comfortable embrace, as both of them rested from the exertions. Soft, moaning kisses were traded and their tongues caressed one another languorously, rather than duelling hungrily.

That was when Nabiki became aware of something that saddened her. What she was doing with Shampoo - what she had been doing for the past hour - was wonderful; it was a thing of beauty that made her feel so loved and warm all over - but it wasn't slutty, and thus didn't do anything to quell that ever-present compulsion to act like a slut. She wanted to cry. Mistress Shampoo was being so wonderful to her, and she loved the Chinese girl so much - why couldn't this be enough?!

But before she could say anything, suddenly Shampoo let go and said, "Okay! Stinky girl all warmed up - now we get to kinky part!"

Nabiki looked at her, baffled, as Shampoo jumped off the bed and stood beside it. "Wha- what are you planning, Mistress Shampoo?"

"Is simple," said Shampoo, raising one of those mysteriously appearing buckets of cold water over her head. "Shampoo do stinky girl in curse form. That very kinky, yes? Not as kinky as using real cat, but perhaps is enough?" She poured the water over her head and transformed with a yowl. She shook the water out her fur for a few seconds, gave herself a few perfunctory licks and then hopped onto the bed and dived between Nabiki's splayed legs.

Nabiki's head involuntarily slammed back, thankfully only hitting the cushions and not the headboard of her bed. That feeling! The sensation of Shampoo-neko's rough cat tongue on her sensitized private parts was driving her insane! Unarticulated howls of pleasure ripped from her throat, as she felt the soft, fuzzy cat muzzle press against her mons, felt the stiff whiskers tickling her inside thighs, and most of all felt that tongue!

As the capacity for rational thought left Nabiki, the last thing she realized was that this was exactly what the slut in her needed.

An indeterminate time later, Nabiki and Shampoo rested once again from their strenuous activity, fully satisfied, this time.

Nabiki stroked the bundle of happily purring lavender fur that was nestled between the hills of her large, firm tits. "Mistress Shampoo, you are incredible. A true credit to your species in either form."

Shampoo meowed and licked one of her nipples playfully, which made Nabiki shudder and moan.

She cradled the little cat in her arms, stood up and walked out of the room towards the furo, her tail swishing behind her. They were turning a few heads along the way, but all who saw them just smiled. In the warm water, the bundle in her arms turned into a sexy girl, who immediately kissed Nabiki and squeezed her tits.

"Mmmmmmrr, stinky girl taste even better when Shampoo is pussycat. Stink even better, too. It make Shampoo all woozy in head, when she in cursed form." She gave Nabiki a sly smile. "Perhaps stinky girl want to find out herself? Shampoo still have loads of instant Jusenkyo packets."

Nabiki blinked. "Find out...? You do? What for?"

"Instant Nannichuan part of bundle with many other spring packets. Shampoo get several bundles, but only ever use Nannichuan. Have cat spring, dog spring, panda spring, girl spring, even skunk spring, Shampoo think. There probably one or two boy spring left, too. They just lie at Nekohanten and never get used - but now Shampoo think she have too too delicious naughty ideas..."

Nabiki felt a strange sinking sensation in her stomach that was at once scary and exciting. She couldn't help but think back to her dream last night, where she had been a dog bitch and treated like one. The thought that some part of her actually wanted that and got excited at making it a reality was extremely scary. "I... I have to think about that," she said.

Shampoo nodded. "Is okay. Was just horny idea - Shampoo not force stinky girl."

For a long time they sat together in the hot water, just holding each other in a loving but non-sexual way.

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(Posted Sun, 23 Feb 2003 16:52)

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