Lemon Flu - The Saturn Varient: Dormancy Broken (LEMON) [Episode 24887]

by Thrythlind

Until Morrigan came along, most of the flus were based on a straight humanoid form. This meaning a torso, two arms, two legs, a head and an upright posture. Once you through in other things, humanoid went right out the window.

Now, as none of the previous flus provoked much in the way of vast physical change, nothing really happened. Then Morrigan came along and wandered all about Japan for a while, catching the flu, mutating it unintentionally and spreading the mutation.

Which is how several men and women woke up from their second bout with the flu in possession of a pair of wings each. Those that were on the third or successive strain of the flu found themselves less changed. Pointed ears, small wings that were decorative without being useful and a great perception of sexual thoughts were the norm.

Though repeated exposures to the source while the flu was still alive seemed to be having some effect on the Ranma group.

And then there were those with dormant traits. Like Minako...


"Where do you want this?" Ranma asked, feeling hot. He held the scimitar that Shampoo had once tried to kill him...err...her...with.

He didn't have to ask why he felt somewhat feverish, all of them knew that another wave of that flu was coming through their bodies, though this time it was quite weak. Weak enough that they had managed to hold it off for a while.

"Over on wall," Shampoo said wiping at her forehead and scratching at an itch at the base of her spine. "All finish."

"Yeah," Ranma said. "I guess we're all finished." He considered that romance book he had been looking through and turned hesitantly to Shampoo. "Hey, Shampoo, are you feeling okay?"

"Is something itching," Shampoo said scratching at herself incessantly. "All over."

"Hmm," Ranma said. "Maybe I can help." He tried to smile seductively and earned a laugh from Shampoo.

"Airen look so funny," Shampoo said.

"Hey!" Ranma protested. "What do you mean I look funny, and stop scratching, your just gonna make it worse."

"Can no help, itch so bad," Shampoo said coquetishly as her scratching took a different appearance.

"Err..yeah," Ranma said, blushing furiously and earning another chuckle from Shampoo, this one quiet so as not to break the mood.

"Airen help me?" she asked pleadingly.

"Yeah," Ranma said. "I said I would, didn't I?"

"How you help, Shampoo?" Shampoo asked as Ranma crossed over to her and wrapped her in his arms.

"By giving you something else to think about until it stops," Ranma said, lowering her what he considered gently to the bed. Shampoo, meanwhile, considered it appeallingly forceful, so while it didn't match Ranma's intentions that hardly mattered.

Shampoo giggled as Ranma's hands worked into her clothes and brushed over the fine furs growing there.

She quite forgot about the lump she felt growing at the base of her spine, and Ranma quite forgot about the strangeness he was feeling at his shoulders where a pair of wings would soon grow.


"This is quite a place my mortal standards," Morrigan said, looking around the kitchen. "Or even my standards. Almost as large as my castle in the makai."

As a side effect of catching the flu from humans Morrigan had discovered a sensation she'd never felt before...an empty stomach...and was now enjoying Kasumi's cooking as only one that actually needs the substenance provided could enjoy it.

"Yes," Kasumi said. "It should be quite enough for our purposes." She reached around to scratch at her back, trying to reach a certain spot.

"Are you okay?" Morrigan asked, worriedly. The amount of worry for this mortal surprised her.

"My shoulders feel a little funny," Kasumi said.

Then she leveled a serene, inviting smile toward Morrigan. Most of the work was finished now, no reason not to let this second flu out a little. She could already feel Shampoo and Ranma releasing a little through their mutual bond.

"Would you see if there's anything there?" she asked. Morrigan returned the smile with a more lusty and amused expression that brought a blush to Kasumi's face.

"Most certainly," she said, and shifted over to Kasumi's side.

Next she was working on the ties of Kasumi's dress and pulling it down from her shoulders to reveal a pair of growing wing stubs. Morrigan blinked in surprise and Kasumi reacted to the feeling she briefly projected.

"What is it?" Kasumi asked, mood momentarily broken. Morrigan smiled and plastered herself against Kasumi's back, nibbling on her ear and resting a hand comfortingly on one of her breasts, kneading and carressing it.

"Nothing serious," Morrigan said. "You're just growing wings...silver by the looks of things."

Then Morrigan duplicated herself, and all other conversation was lost.


"Now, Kurumi," Natsume said from behind her sister. Her hand was slipping down into Kurumi's pants as she blew into her younger sister's ear. "I'll..."


"Be right down the," Natsume said.

"Hallll," Kurumi moaned pleasantly, leaning back into her sister, and reaching her hands around behind. "You....mmmm...said....ooooh."

"I...ahhh,,," Natsume gasped as Kurumi's hot skin touched her. She almost seemed to be glowing with heat now.

Kurumi shivered pleasantly at the feel of her sister's chill flesh. Then she turned around and swallowed the pale blue lips of the older girl in her own fire red lips. As the dormant genes continued.


In the television room, Hotaru sidled ever closer to Nabiki as they watched the news broadcast. Near them, Setsuna came close as well, until the former Tendo was sandwiched pleasantly by senshi.

Arms sereptitiously reached out and stroked Nabiki, as the other two tried to stay discreet against the force of the urge afflicting them. And Nabiki, the center of their attention, felt no desire to startle them.

It quickly proceeded from there as Nabiki started reciprocating the gestures as much as she could.

The resultant activity distracted all three of them from the fact that they were all three growing wings: Nabiki a set of copper-scaled wings, Hotaru a set of condor wings, and Setsuna the wings of what seemed to be an owl.


Akane was meanwhile finding herself in a position she would never have expected to be in, in a million years.

A loving and affectionate Kodachi, much more vulnerable during sex than Akane imagined she could be, underneath her and passionately responding to her every action.

Strangely enough, as the Akuma flu woke up Akane's long dormantgenes, the flu, passing between them, reinfected Kodachi and affected how the Akuma flew changed her as well.

Which was why both began to grow a pair of wings from their backs. Scarlet for Akane and green for Kodachi.


Rouge was well along in her appreciation of Hinako's form by the time that her second pair of arms finished developing. She hardly noticed.

But Hinako certainly noticed as a second set of hands joined the fray, and she flapped her nearly finished bat-wings, both pairs, in eager surprise at the wonderful sensations.


Meanwhile Ukyou's physical change was being influenced by the Senshi that she had found herself with.

All the Senshi had wings originally, though only Usagi had ever acquired the power necessary to recover the forms held by their ancestors. But this flu was changing that.

Minagi had already developed the majestic wings of a golden eagle. Usagi would soon be finding that her swan wings as something more than a temporary thing. Setsuna was acquiring the owl wings of the ancient Senshi of Time, and the Senshi of Death was gaining the wings of a condor, proportinate to her size.

Haruka, the warrior, was growing the brown wings of a hawk. And now so was Ukyou. Though the only reason that either of them noticed was that the wings brushing against each other severely enhanced the feelings of pleasure.


And, as bat-wings grew from the backs of Azusa and Miyo. Miyo's own long past ancestery was awakening and a third eye appeared on the forehead of each girl.


It was next morning by the time they woke up and consciously realized the changes that had been wrought.


Morrigan - Pretty much the way she was, except that she can get nourishment from food as well as sex now.

Kasumi - half-silver dragon (serene, peaceful, humble)

Nabiki - half-copper dragon (sarcastic, greedy, mischeivous)

Akane - half-red dragon (arrogant, fiery temper, given to trusting brute strength)

(note: the reason they're all different is a) the dragon blood is far enough back that it is more affected by their personality than what the original dragon was and b) this isn't D&D and most myths are that dragons are all the same beast and their form more affected by whim and personality than heredity...D&D dragons are just convenient to use for terms of powers)

Shampoo - Cat-girl, downy-fur, tail, ears

Ranma - half-brass (cocky, fast, boasting)

Miyo and Azusa - third eye can see past some illusions...and see auras, psuedo-succubi (meaning maybe gain some power off of sex, but probably can't do things with their wings like Morrigan can)

The Senshi - acquiring bird wings and strengthening of their powers even in "normal form"

Ukyou - Hawkwings, pseudo-succubus

Kodachi - half-green dragon (manipulative, likes plants, honorable to the letter of an agreement but fins loopholes)

Rouge - Four arms, maybe another third eye, not sure about her Ashura form much, but that would be stronger.

Hinako - Four bat wings, quicker flying. (Hey, some angels are said to have a thousand wings) Psuedo-succubus

Natsume - Air genasi (half-elemental)

Kurumi - Fire genasi (half-elemental)

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(Posted Sun, 26 Jan 2003 10:20)

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