Pre-PC Ranma wouldn't have done this.
Post-PC Ranma was treating this as a martial arts match per the Shikima arts Nodoka had applied. Anything less than a total overwhelming victory was considered losing.
Nabiki was riding his pole, each squeal and groan from her was ground lost in her defense of her own identity. Her incoherent babbling would occasionally surface witha declaration of absolute unswerving loyalty to her Ranma-sama.
Each thrust into her lubricated channel drove more chemicals and magic into her body, increasing her pleasure and dependence on Ranma.
Ranma's sweat was absorbed into her skin. His saliva mixed with hers.
The passionate friction of their bodies heated Nabiki. Fantasies flashed through her head. She was the earth, being farmed and tilled by a vast powerful machine. She was hot metal being beaten and folded and reshaped. She was clay that strong, forceful, hands pounded and squeezed and shaped.
As the pleasure and need grew to an unbearable height, she locked her legs around Ranma, proclaiming that he was her master, she his loving slave, and that she would be his forever. She was answered as a hot flood of thick liquid filled her, distending her stomach from the force and sending a pleasant ache quivering through her bones.
She slumped in the aftermath of that storm, battered, dissolved, beaten, and rebuilt. She gave out a little cry as Ranma left her, feeling a curious emptiness without his presence inside her. Without him filling and guiding her, giving her purpose and direction.
Yet there were traces of him within her. Applying the chains and bonds that would forevermore define her as property. Ranma's property.
Ranma himself wondered what the heck had happened, how and why he had done this, but understood on some level that it had been a martial arts fight on a different level than he had been used to. At least that was how his mind was trying to pigeonhole the event. It had been rather intensely pleasurable, and the naked sprawled Nabiki was clearly defeated.
A bit numb (mentally and emotionally) from the efforts, Ranma decided to go clean up.
See other episodes by Ranma-mite
(Posted Sun, 02 Feb 2003 15:02)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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