Lamp Of Mihoshi: Chiropterans (LEMON) [Episode 23512]

by Thrythlind

There were many breeds of werecreature that Iceron had experimented with and declared to be failures. Among those were the chiropterans.

They were as agile as the rats, had the same healing potential, and much of the same stealthiness. And they could fly in their puny animal form, and glide so well it was almost flight in hybrid form. They were only a little more fragile than the rats, which was okay since they weren't intended as stand up fighters. And they had some problems with manual dexterity, but with those wing claws, how much did they need?

Why had Iceron considered them a failure?

Because they had turned out to be one of the more instinctually passive creatures he came up with. The chiropterans, or were-bats, were based on vampire bats, and he had thought that would make them dangerous assassins and predators.

Instead, what he got were a race of fluid drinkers (not just blood, though that was how they got their protein) that had a leaning toward the healing arts and a sort of near-pacifism in many individuals. There was the occasional war-like sort, but they were the exception, and far too few in number to make the race worth mass-producing.

It seemed he had underestimated the vampire bat tendency to anesthesize a prey with its saliva before drinking.

Nabiki watched as Ranma shifted and changed, his fingers lengthening outward and growing webbing, his ears fanning out, and a light black fur appearing along his slimming body.

She could no longer hold herself back any longer, as she moved forward and collected the boy in her arms. Which was when she found herself folded warmly within the wing arms that had split the seems of Ranma's sleeve. She should have felt scared, she new, but instead she felt quite protected.

"Ranma," Nabiki said. "Are you...ooooh"

The small, needle-like fangs resting in the mouth below the upturned nose, sank gently into her shoulders. Another kind of warmth spread through her, a chemical warmth that left her shoulder feeling slightly numb as Ranma, now certainly wearing a face that was a cute combination of bat and human, seemed latched on her.

"Ranma," Nabiki whispered, not feeling herself change, though the instincts came and she sank her own fangs into Ranma's shoulder.

The two bats, drugged by each other and dazed in other ways, clumsily worked at their clothes with their changed hands. Eventually, they languidly tore the clothing off of themselves and their partner.

Ranma's mouth left Nabiki's shoulder and he began to suckle at her breast as Nabiki nibbled playful at his ear. Their hands roamed slowly, taking their time as their eyes squinted in the sunlight streaming into the Nabiki's room.

Long, thin tails descended from behind them and wrapped about in a manner as instinctually prehensile as most hands. One tail of black fur seeking between entangled legs to tease the secrets of bat of brown fur as the tail of brown fur, sought out the root of the black fur.

Mouths moved from breast and ear and shifted to attempt to almost devour each other. Long, thin tongues dueled as the drugged haze started to clear and the cocoon formed by their two pairs of wings tightened.

Nabiki's legs, long and slender, reached about Ranma's waist and pulled downward toward her center most self. Nabiki called out in a high-pitched voice as she was penetrated, hitting high soprano for the first time in her life.

The thrusts came slowly at first, but that changed as the anesthetic from their mouths faded further and further away. Soon Nabiki's cries were almost to high pitched for the human ear to here. Between her and Ranma crying out in similar high pitches, it sounded more as if someone had switched a TV on to a room of static than a round of ever more passionate love-making.

And then the sound stopped completely. At least for humans it did. For two miles around, however, dogs started barking incessantly.

And then...suddenly...for no apparent reason to the human shattered. Every piece of glass sitting within twenty unblocked feet of the sound of Ranma and Nabiki's shared climax.

And then the two were creatures blinking held each other for several seconds, seeming from the outside nothing less than a great insect's cocoon. Then the cocoon started to break apart as Ranma and Nabiki split up, uncertain of what had just happened.

"This is my fault," the both said at once.

Ranma just because he felt so used to it, and Nabiki because, for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to blame Ranma for this foul up. In fact, she couldn't even really bring herself to cheat him. He looked even cuter than before, actually. She did have a rather strange craving for orange juice, however.

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(Posted Sat, 18 Jan 2003 05:34)

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