There were several werewolves around Earth, and though pretty much all of them had had their transformative bites fixed, blood to blood mixxing still worked just as well as it always had. So it was a simple matter for the DAO system to just find werewolf matching blood type and arrange a little magical blood transfusion. Both Ranma and the random werewolf felt dizzy for a moment, but that passed quickly...for the random werewolf.
Ranma, meanwhile, found himself collapsing to the floor as the changes began to work their way through his body.
Nabiki gasped as Ranma started to grow several times over, black fur rippling over his broadening chest. She also sweated a little in a not entirely unpleasant fashion in looking at that broadening chest. Those nicely defined, not ugly over-defined, muscles. And that...piece of equipment.
She got over her shock as quickly as possible and was quickly at Ranma's side as the tail starting erupting from above his now bare (and deliciously tight) butt.
"Ranma," Nabiki gasped. "Are you okay?"
She knelt down by the groaning new werewolf as he was clutching his head. She tentatively reached a hand out to Ranma as the transformation apparently slowed down.
It was quite sudden when Ranma's hand snapped out and grabbed Nabiki's. Ranma's dazed mind was focused on one particular thing at the moment. Nabiki, how fresh she smelled, how young, how ripe...and most importantly, how fertile.
Most werewolves could ignore that sensation and the urges that came with it easily. Ranma, however, had never been a werewolf until Nabiki's wish. Also, the manner in which the wish was fulfilled had left him fatigued as well.
"Hey!" Nabiki gasped, suddenly wishing that she wasn't probably the only one home. "What are you...Ranma..."
Nabiki shivered as Ranma's tongue licked up toward her arm, stopping at the sleeves. She was about to shake off the pleasant feeling when Ranma's mouth sank down again, this time biting firmly into her shoulder and drawing a goodly amount of blood.
"Ouch!" Nabiki gasped angrily. "What did you...." Nabiki didn't notice as she started to outgrow her clothes as well, and a brownish fur like her hair began to crop up all over her body.
Now, similar to Ranma, Nabiki's mind was mostly focused on the fact that she was ready to receive a seed and the fact that somehow she knew that reproduction was a high responsibility for her at the moment. A sort of magical instinct in her body that knew the small population of werewolves.
Even without that she would have felt inclined toward Ranma now, as the power of Ranma's bite put her in thrall to the original werewolf.
She let herself by carried back and thrown on her bed, as she neared what apparently was going to be her total height at six foot ten next to Ranma's sudden seven foot five height.
Furry lips met in a passionate union that groped about almost desperately for the other. Tongues dueled between sharpened teeth and hands roamed bodies, brushing the furs as they did so and adding to the thrill of the experience as the motions pulled at the sensitive roots of those furs.
And then, as Ranma came around behind her, pressing against her back and caressing her now bountious breasts, that Nabiki, her tail arched up over her back and out of the way felt Ranma's massive manhood press into her and blasting through her virgin barrier with a pain that was both short-lived and exciting.
Ranma held tighter, his hands roaming up and down her chest and abdomen as he thrust again and again. Nabiki did all she could to hold her voice well against the ever building pleasure and excitement. She had even forgotten that there was no one at home, that she knew of, to hear her if she did cry out.
Then that fact occured to her, and the Tendo compound rang with the cries and howls of a newly enthralled werewolf taking her first experience with sex beyond just a casual and distant observation.
Finally, the wave broke over them. And, in a voice that was half wolf and half human, they howled out their ecstacy and then fell forward on to the bed.
Both of them were breathing heavily as they lay there, Ranma sneaking closer to Nabiki's side and grabbing her in a possessive and protective manner. Nabiki smiled contentdly and worked herself deeper into Ranma's embrace as the larger werewolf seemed to be licking the back of her neck blithely and wearily. The seed of her now lover unerringly seeking her womb and the future life within.
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See other episodes by Thrythlind
(Posted Sat, 18 Jan 2003 04:36)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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