Nabiki turned and looked at Ranma to confirm what she started dreading, further proving that not all fools are dumb, any more than tactical geniuses like Ranma Pre-wish are necesarily smart.
She just looked into those big blue.. so blue.. so big eyes, falling into his eyes... falling.. fall-ing.. fall.. ..n...
Ranma smiled as her intellectual capacities filled him, leaving her a fairly dull-normal and horny pet. "The term, silly slut, is **Psychic Vampire**, a being that lives off the psychic and mental potential of others.. in My case, I grow smarter as I suck away your will and abaility to think, but I'll allow you the wits to survive as my toy, you're easily pretty enough. I'm sorry I can't be a good guy anymore, but that ditz that just left considers all Vamps as evil, so i am too. Any Comments?"
The blankfaced nabs, now licking his cock as he works her computer for info on the suckers at school and the Fiancee Front, had no comment.. a IQ of about 92 and no will of her own will do that.
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See other episodes by CrystalBlaze
(Posted Mon, 14 Apr 2003 13:00)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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