Nabiki woke up with a happy little sigh. During the night, one of her hands had wandered between her legs and inserted ring and middle finger into herself, while the other seemed to have massaged her enlarged breasts throughout the night. Her nipples were standing to attention.
She licked her fingers clean and breathed deeply. The air in her room was still thick with the smell of all the sex that had taken place here yesterday, mixed with the pheromones of all those horny sexpets, but Nabiki's own musk was slowly starting to overpower all other scents. She had spent the night alone, despite offering the continued use of her room to the others. Shampoo had slept with Akane, Kasumi had her own room, Natsume and Kurumi had taken the guest room, and the three feline pets had opted to sleep in a big three-way cuddle in the living room.
After thinking about it for a while, Nabiki decided to put on some clothes, before going down for breakfast. She noted that her fluffy tail unavoidably lifted the back of her skirt and put her furry, wet crotch on display for anyone who saw her from behind. While that thought gave her a naughty little thrill, she thought that it would probably be better to avoid making a scene in public. She'd have enough to do, just dealing with the reactions to her changed appearance.
When she arrived downstairs, she found out that she needn't have worried - Kasumi had already thought of the same problem and found a solution as well. Her dress sported a new slit with two snap buttons, letting her bushy tail stick out behind her, without exposing her to anyone she didn't want to. Unsnapped, the slit would be wide enough to let a skunk or squirrel tail pass through easily, and when snapped it fit snugly around the base of the tail without flapping open.
Kasumi noticed Nabiki looking at the alteration of her dress and flexed her tail to show it better. "I've already altered one of your school uniforms, Stinky, and those of Yuka and Sayuri. It's easier for the kitties, because their tails aren't as big and fluffy as ours. Go on and sit down for breakfast - most of the others are already in the living room." She gave Nabiki a kiss that would have been deemed quite un-sisterly among anyone but the sexpets and sent her on her way with a friendly pat on her exposed buttocks.
The breakfast was surprisingly normal, apart from the extra guests at the table. Ranma was still looking pretty exhausted, so all the pets were restraining themselves, difficult though it was. Afterwards, Kasumi gave everybody their altered clothes, and they went to change - except Nabiki, who was stopped by Kasumi.
"Wait a minute, Stinky-chan - aren't you forgetting something?"
Nabiki frowned. Was she? She couldn't think of anything. "What is it, Oneechan?" she asked.
Kasumi smiled indulgently. "Don't you think you should clean up before changing?"
Nabiki blinked, then her eyes went wide. If she took stock of her state objectively, it was quite clear what prompted Kasumi's reminder. Her entire body was sticky with dried sperm, pussy juices, sweat, and musk; her pubic fur was matted with her nightly secretions; her inner thighs were glistening wetly; she stank to high heaven of wild, horny sex. And yet it hadn't occurred to her that she should clean herself up. Neither the smell nor the stickiness had registered with her conscious mind - they felt perfectly normal to her. If it had been anything else covering her body like that, she would have visited the furo long ago, but the sexual secretions simply didn't register as "dirt", unless she consciously thought about it.
Once again this drove home the point that she had been changed mentally as well as physically, and it scared her a little that she hadn't noticed it before Kasumi pointed it out. She resolved to pay extra attention to all her actions today, and check them against her normal behavior, before the transformation. She probably wouldn't be able to stop herself from acting differently, but she wanted to know what had changed.
She dashed to the bathroom for a quick shower. There was no time for a soak, and she wasn't so sure whether it was a good idea for any of the pets to soak in the tub anyway, lest the shedding from their furry parts clog up the drain. When she was done, she didn't feel any cleaner than before, but she was less sticky and smelled of nothing but her own skunk-girl musk - which was strong, but nowhere near as overpowering as the stench of sex she had carried before.
In the hall she passed Mistress Shampoo, who sniffed and smiled. "Hmm, Stinky Girl no smell like fucking anymore, just like Stinky Girl. I nice-nice, too." She took hold of Nabiki's tail and buried her face in the fur of it, inhaling the natural scent it exuded.
The gesture felt extremely pleasant to Nabiki, and she could feel herself getting wet again - but then, she had resigned herself to being near-permanently wet anyway. She churred happily and rubbed herself against Mistress Shampoo, who cuddled her for a few moments, before patting her bottom and sending her off to the others, who were getting ready to leave.
It wasn't until she was halfway to school, that Nabiki realized she had not put on any panties, and by that time it was too late to turn back. Besides, Kasumi hadn't handed out any altered underwear, so she suspected that the other pets were bare-bottomed, too. She knew that previously she would have returned for panties, no matter how late it was, but now they just seemed like an optional extra, not a requirement. She filed that away for later consideration.
Thankfully, the students of Furinkan High were by now quite used to magical weirdness, so the reactions were limited to questions about the how and why of their change, not astonishment that such changes could happen at all. Nabiki briefly wondered how Kodachi would fare at St. Hebereke, but she was sure that her social standing and the ferocious appearance of her new form would forestall any recriminations. As for answering those questions about their change, it had been decided that they would not reveal their status as Ranma's pets yet, to avoid complications for Master. The official information was limited to the fact that a magical wish had gone wrong and several girls who had been present at the time were caught up in it.
Nabiki used her finely tuned talent for rumour management to steer the speculation into safe directions, and soon the other students were too busy wondering what it was like to have a tail, and whether it was useful to have a cat's hearing, to wonder about whose wish had caused this or what exactly had been wished. Nabiki kept herself mostly in the background and let Yuka and Sayuri take the limelight, who seemed to delight in showing off their tails, ears and other additions to the crowd.
"Oooh, the fur is so soft! How does that feel?" asked one girl, touching Sayuri's tail.
"Feels pretty nice," said Sayuri, wrapping her tail around the girl's wrist with a grin. The girls giggled, and others in the group around them hesitantly started reaching out to feel the fur of Sayuri's tail.
Another girl said, "My cat really likes if when I scratch her behind the ears like this," and proceeded to demonstrate on Yuka.
Yuka sighed. "No wonder - that feels wonderful! Keep it up!" she said, making several of the girls surrounding her blush and giggle.
One boy said, "Hey, why don't we go out after school and I'll pet you wherever you want. Bet I can make ya purr real loud."
The girls reacted with outrage, pushing the boy away with cries of "Pervert" and "Pig".
Nabiki blinked. She realized that she had found nothing unusual about the boy's suggestive comment, until she saw the reaction of the others - except for a stray thought, wondering whether he'd like to do a skunk-girl as well. Why hadn't she realized that he was being crude towards Yuka? Why had she entertained the thought - however briefly - of letting him have her body? Yuka and Sayuri seemed to have reacted just like normal, as far as she could determine - so why hadn't she?
After the classes started, things calmed down for a while, but Nabiki soon became aware of another problem: Ranma-withdrawal. Sure, she had spent several hours without being in direct proximity to Master, but that had been different. There always had been the certain knowledge that Master was there, and she could be at his side (or is feet) anytime she wanted. But now they were at school, and she would have no chance of seeing him before lunch hour - let alone of doing what she really wanted to do right now.
After a while she noticed that the inevitable stares she received were increasing in frequency and length. This puzzled her for a long time, until she realized that it had to be her smell. Her natural musk was very strong, and it didn't help that by now she was so wet that she squished when she sat down. She had to take care not to sit on the back of her skirt, or she'd leave a huge wet spot on it. Consequently the smell of a highly aroused skunk-girl was spreading outward from her seat, until it filled the entire classroom, end to end. Some of the more susceptible boys and girls were sweating visibly and tugging at their collars. Others, who had become consciously aware of the scent, were staring at the source of the steadily increasing smell with expressions that ranged from lust to curiosity to disgust.
The looks she was receiving both excited and scared her a little.
During the next break, Nabiki asked to switch places with a girl who sat by a window, hoping to make use of the ventilation to let most of her smell escape outside. She had surreptitiously wiped the seat of her chair, so that the girl didn't have to sit in a puddle. Nevertheless, she noticed later that the girl attracted quite a lot of lustful looks for the rest of the day, after sitting in Nabiki's seat.
Over the course of next next hour, Nabiki found herself increasingly distracted. Her attention wandered and and she found it harder and harder to concentrate on the lessons. Instead she kept drifting off into daydreams about the boys and girls who still stared at her. She fantasized about those who stared at her lustfully taking her right here in the classroom before everybody - but also about those who shot her looks of disgust, who treated her roughly in her fantasies, pushing her down, degrading her and punishing her for being such a stinky, horny animal.
This scared her on several levels. First of all, she wasn't used to having to fight herself to remain focussed. Normally she had no problem paying attention to classes, even when she had a good grip on the subject and the lesson was boring. Second, she was fantasizing about people other than Master and about behaving wantonly in public. Of course it made sense that being separated from Master would make her horny, but she belonged to him, she was his pet and property - so why was she feeling the urge to strut (or crawl) over to that guy in the next row and mount his hard-on right where he sat?
But what scared her most were the submissive - or even masochistic - fantasies. She knew that she would never in her life have considered any of that arousing, but now she couldn't shake those thoughts. Why the hell did she get wet at the thought of being spanked by those boys and girls, or being put on a leash and treated like an animal, or pushed into a kennel and mated to dogs? Okay, she wouldn't say no to a bit of sexy spanking from Master - but a lot of those dreams were simply disgusting or degrading. And the worst thing was that those aroused her the most.
By the time lunch hour came around, she was sweating and breathing heavily - almost panting. She needed a fuck, and she had to find Master before she went crazy. She jumped up and ran from the classroom, not caring whether anyone saw the puddle of wetness she had left on her chair.
When she ran smacking into the tall kendo club member in the hall, she was so horny that she didn't even realize it was real when he reached right under her skirt and touched her dripping crotch. Her brain was so addled by constant sexual fantasies, that she thought this was just another one, at first. "What do you want?" she asked the guy, whom she had seen hanging around with Kuno. She unconsciously started humping his invading fingers.
"I'll show you," he said brusquely. "Get in here." he pushed her towards an empty classroom and Nabiki obeyed docilely, still impaled on his fingers and lost between reality and imagination. Once inside, he didn't lose any time. He immediately started finger-fucking her roughly, mauling her breasts with his other hand and kissing her hard. Nabiki squealed into his mouth, as she came on his fingers.
"Now lose the skirt," he demanded.
Nabiki gasped, "Yes!" She unsnapped the tail hole and quickly slipped off the dress of her school uniform.
The boy chuckled as she frantically worked the buttons of her blouse. "No panties, I see. I knew you were a slut. I could smell your slutty cunt all the way from the back of the class."
Nabiki whimpered as she pulled off her blouse. "Yes, I'm a slut. Please use me like the slut I am!"
"You bet," he said with a grin. "Bend over! I wanna do you from behind."
Nabiki obeyed instantly and was rewarded by the feeling of his strong hands gripping her hips and then his cock slamming deep into her with one rough stroke. She came again and kept on cumming, as he hammered into her hard and fast. Her tail caressed his chest, even though it was still covered by his shirt - he hadn't undressed at all, except to free his cock from his trousers.
He smelled her fur and breathed in the strong, musky scent it gave off. "Girl, you smell! I swear, you're like an animal in heat."
"Yes!" gasped Nabiki, grabbing the edge of a desk to push back against him. "I'm an animal! Do me like an animal!"
The boy laughed. "If you are an animal, then stop talking. Animals don't talk, so go and make some animal sounds."
Nabiki spent the rest of lunch hour churring, squealing, barking, whinnying, meowing, and braying, while the boy, whose name she didn't even know, plundered her body in any way imaginable. The only thing she got to eat was a mouthful of sperm.
Finally he was spent. He simply tucked away his member and left, leaving her lying on a desk, dazed, panting and with a goofy grin on her face. She mewled to herself for a few moments, before she remembered that she could talk like a human again.
She dressed herself in a daze. Only when she stepped out of the room into the hallway did reality finally re-assert itself in her brain, and she paled. What the Hell did she just do?! She just let a boy she barely knew take her like a cheap hooker, while she called herself a slut and an animal, and generally made a complete fool of herself!
She didn't go back to class. There was no way she could face that now. Instead, she went to the school nurse and let herself be sent home on account of feeling sick, which wasn't even a lie.
As she trudged home, she was thinking furiously. Why had she acted like that? How could her transformation have caused this? Did the other sexpets go through the same? Could they stop it? How?
It made no sense. Everything else she had noticed about herself could be traced to her status as a sexpet or her new skunk-girl nature - but neither could explain why she had acted like a complete... like a...
"a slut," she whispered hoarsely, her stomach sinking.
It was the wish. She hadn't wished to be a sexpet or a skunk-girl, after all, but to be a "sex-slave slut". And a slut is, almost by definition, promiscuous. Did that mean she was doomed to give herself to a string of faceless strangers every day? Were there other terrible implications of the wish, just waiting to make themselves known like this? Were the others affected similarly? It didn't bear thinking about.
When she arrived at home, she immediately asked her sisters - adoptive and by birth, to join her in the living room, so she could discreetly ask them whether they had felt the same urges to... sleep around.
"I just had a... very bad incident at school," she began haltingly, as Kasumi, Natsume and Kurumi knelt around the table and watched her, "and I need to know if it could happen to all of us. Did you - any of you - feel extreme arousal and sexual daydreams in your separation from master? I know we all are more horny than normal all the time, because we're sexpets - but I'm talking about something a lot more extreme than that. Something approaching the mindless lust we felt when we changed."
Relief flooded Nabiki when, one by one, her sisters shook their heads.
"I felt a little aroused," said Kasumi. "But then I had this idea..." She shuffled a bit on her knees and lifted her skirt. Reaching inside herself with two fingers, she drew out two walnuts that she had held inside herself like ben-wa balls. She blushed a little. "They felt very nice inside me, and they stimulated me enough that I actually orgasmed once. That kept the edge of my arousal, I think. Kurumi also had a little problem, I believe."
Kurumi blushed and nibbled on the tip of her tail self-consciously. She said, "Kasumi let me have some cheese, and it was sooo good, and I went a little hyper after that, but big sister took care of me, and everything was okay again!"
Natsume licked her lips with her long, canine tongue, remembering the incident. "Yes, she was quite full of energy, but at no time was she as aroused as you say. I, myself, didn't have any such problem either."
Nabiki sighed in relief. "So it's just me. Thank God! I don't think I could bear it, if you..." She fell silent.
Kasumi softly touched her shoulder, making Nabiki look at her. "What happened, Stinky-chan? Did you really go into heat at school? You can tell us. You have to let it out." Kasumi's hand travelled down Nabiki's arm to her hand, which she squeezed reassuringly.
"I- No, it was not like that. When we got changed, we were completely out of our minds. But this time... I kept getting hornier, the longer I was away from Master. It got worse and worse, and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I had all these daydreams about sex. Some of them were just normal horny fantasies, but some of them... were really nasty, kinky stuff. Some were really disgusting, and that made me even hornier. When lunchtime came, I couldn't think of anything but running to Master and fucking him. But..." She squeezed Kasumi's gentle, reassuring hand. "I ran into some other boy - I don't even know his name - and I couldn't help myself. I just... let him have me; let him use me any way he wanted. And I liked it! I begged for it! I let him treat me like a common slut, because that's what I wanted!" Tears were collecting in the corners of her eyes.
Without saying a word, Kasumi scooted closer and embraced Nabiki with her other arm, while continuing to grip her hand. Kurumi gripped her other hand tightly, and even Natsume touched her upper arm in reassurance.
"It's the spell. I think," Nabiki continued. "I didn't say 'wish for me to become your sexpet skunk-girl'. I said 'sex-slave slut'. And that's what I have become. The rest of you just caught the sexpet part from me, but I'm more than that. I'm a slut, and I'll keep getting so horny that I'll just let anyone have me and do anything to me. I don't want that! I just want Master! And now he'll find out that I'm just a little slut who can't help giving it away to just anyone, and he'll be disgusted, and he'll throw me out, and I'll have to live on the streets, fucking for a living, and I'll keep getting hornier because I'm away from Master, until I'll try to fuck anything that moves, and I'll never see Master again!!" She broke off her increasingly hysterical description and started sobbing.
"No!" said Kasumi resolutely, holding Nabiki at arm's length before her, forcing her little sister too look at her eyes. "That will not happen, do you understand?"
Nabiki blinked at the tone of her usually gentle sister. She saw the resolve in Kasumi's eyes and the love as well, reaching out to touch Nabiki, reaching behind the fear and the pain to reassure the scared little girl at her core.
"Master will never send you away. You know that he is the most gentle, honorable and forgiving boy you ar ever likely to meet." A quirky smile appeared on her lips. "Well, when it really counts, at least. He loves you, and he would never do that to you. And even if he doesn't understand, we'll make him understand - because we love you, too. You're our little Stinky-chan, and we'll never let anything like that happen to you."
She pulled Nabiki into a hug and held her, until she calmed down. The were joined by Natsume and Kurumi, wrapping their arms around the two of them from both sides.
For the first time since that morning, Nabiki felt at peace. No worries about the changes in her body and mind. No anxiety about the difficult times ahead. No recriminations about the life she had once intended to lead, which may now be forever closed to her. No guilt about betraying Master. No shame about the way she gave herself to a virtual stranger. Just peace and the certainty that things were going to work out.
Life may beat her down, but she would always stand up again. The proverbial "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" may cut her, but she would always heal. She loved and was loved in return. What pain or misfortune could measure up to that? What tricks could fate play on her that did not pale into nothingness, next to the love of her family for her, and the love she felt for them?
She was Nabiki "Stinky" Tendo, financial whiz, entrepreneur, sexpet of Ranma Saotome and, perhaps, a slut - but she was not going to lie down and be a victim.
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(Posted Sun, 12 Jan 2003 23:07)
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