Lemon Flu: Firefly Horses (LEMON) [Episode 21668]

by Kender

Hotaru had been stumbling for what had seemed like hours before she managed to clear her mind enough to find some place to rest. She had found this resturant (bar, but she didn't realize that) that had been open and made her way into the somehow inviting darkness. Once inside, her aching eyes felt much better and relaxed.

Oddly enough, it was pretty much empty, save for a couple of patrons in pairs and singles here and there. Only one group, made of males, had more than two members and they looked pretty good to her. Why she didn't know, but even before the bizarre growth spurt (which she still hadn't understood), she had noticed boys before. Only this time, she could feel something... odd about them. Just looking at them made her fell all warm and tingly, especially in certain... sensitive spots. Dully, she wondered if that was what Minako and Makoto felt when they came across a boy they liked.

One of them, a pigtailed hunk to her eye, got up and weaved a little as he stood. He began to leave the table but one of the others at the table put a hand on his arm.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Ranma?" the seated boy asked.

The pigtailed one gave a grin. "Sure thing, Ryuu. No problem at all. I ain't Ryouga after all."

There was a muffled grunt from the one boy who's head was on the table, but the one still sitting who had spoken shrugged. "If you say so..."

"Don't worry! I'm only goin' ta the bathroom," Ranma said, and moved away from the table.

The Senshi of Saturn followed him, not because she liked the way his bottom moved under his pants, or so she told herself. It was just that she thought that going into the bathroom would be a good idea at the time. Some cool water would feel great against her heated skin and would be refreshing after all the sweating she was doing. he'd already gone inside, if the sound that reached oncedshe made it to the area with the restrooms was the sound of a door singing shut.

Telling herself that she'd only missed seeing him, she looked to head into a bathroom herself. One looked to be open since the door was ajar. She went over and pulled open the door, enjoying the cool air coming out of the room. Spotting a row of sinks opposite the stalls, she went over to one and opened the cold water tap, letting it fill the basin fill with the liquid a bit before splashing herself in the face with it. Behind her, she heard a flush and a stall door opening, but she ignored it as she straightened up and braced her hands on the edges of the sink. Nearby, someone was washing their hands, yet she still didn't pay attention as the water shut off at the same time that she turned off hers.

Not until she felt the tickle of breath at the back of her neck did she realize that there was someone to be noticed in the room with her. A glance out of the corner of her eye showed her that it was the boy that she'd seen before, only this time he'd seen her. And if the look in his eye was any indication, he wasn't about to leave anytime soon.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked her.

An answer about making a mistake died on her lips and she just gulped as she looked at him. "I... I..."

"Thought you were back home with the others."

Some lone part of her mind told her that it looked like he had mistaken her for someone else, but she just couldn't get the idea into a thought. For some reason, she just couldn't do much with him this close.

"I'm feelin' pretty good y'know."

'You look good too,' she managed to think.

"I've never been able ta do somethin' like this before," he told her off-handedly.

''Like' what?" came as a thought. Her unspoken question was answered as his mouth started crushing onto hers. For a few moments, insinct told her to struggle, but then it became unimportant. She didn't care that he smelled of alcohol and sweat, not when he could kiss like this. Even with her complete lack of knowledge on the subject, she could tall that this was something special.

It clouded her mind so much that she couldn't even notice that his hands had gone under her borrowed clothing. Or that he was caressing her in such wonderful ways while he was removing said items. All she could feel or care about was what was happening to her body.

Things that she had never dreamt about were being done to her form by those hands and that mouth. Never since her new growth spurt had she ever imagined that she could be this sensitive. But there was an ache in one special spot, that could not be quenched that way.

The sound of his pants dropping was a very welcome one, especially when she managed to guide that one thing she wanted, no needed into herself, never even noticing the slight pain when she did. Then there was nothing more to do then to hold on as he pounded into her, pushing her still slight form into the tiled wall. Their shared groans and moans echoed through the room as they sought release.

When it did come, it was loud and heavy, giving her the most pleasure that she had ever felt in a single moment. Once she came off of it however, she fell against him, utterly spent. As he was pretty far gone too, he guided the both of them to the floor, and they cuddled up on the cool surface and fell into a light slumber.


In three different places, three different girls were saying the same thing.

"Ranma..," growled Akane.

"...no..," muttered Haruka.

"...baka,' sighed Setsuna.


A few minutes later, a concerned Ryuu came into the bathroom and stopped at the sight of the tableau. There was no mistaking what had happened. The martial artist shook his head and sighed. "Saotome, you're in for deep trouble."

And as he tried to figure out what to do with Ranma and the brunette with the very passing resemblence to Akane (if one was either too far out of it or only glanced),:

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(Posted Thu, 09 Jan 2003 04:12)

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