After a long training trip, in which they encountered many dangerous and strange things, the two Saotome men had finally arrived at their destination of the elder's best friend and training partner Soun Tendou's place.
Upon arriving at the home of Soun Tendou and his three daughters, the Saotomes had disclosed a few of the accidents which had befallen them including both the curses from that valley of mystique, Jusenkyo, which had led to Ranma spending time as a girl while Genma became an endangered species as well as the cursed pills from that Spells 'R Us store which had made Ranma twice as manly prior to Jusenkyo and now kept part of him manly at all times.
The revelation that Ranma came equipped with two sets of equipment instead of one had seemed to scare his new prospective lifetime partners. When all of the others had hurriedly pushed Ranma upon another and that one seemed to be balking just as much as his own child was, Genma had swiftly decided that the schools must be joined.
With no other recourse he brandished the other magical item that he had swiped from that Spells 'R Us store in preparation for this eventual day. Quickly he took out the special mating powder and blew it into the faces of the male and female he intended to have mate together.
Instantly all arguments from the two ceased. In a flash both had vacated the room leaving behind the remaining three Tendous encircled Genma and began to demand for an explanation behind what exactly he had just done to Ranma and the fourth Tendou.
Elsewhere the wanted explanation was playing itself out. Clothes had already been completely shred and their passions were too magically enflamed to bother with foreplay.
Two male members reached their intended destination at the same time. One prepared to breach the lips of womanhood to release its seed while the other gently parted the rose and prepared to polinate.
Male and female forms came together in a mutual cry of passion as double entry was achieved in a single thrust. Not pausing for long, soon two long members began to slide in and out as the female rode the male beneath her. Breasts heaved as she slid herself up and down the rod embedded within her clenching depths. Each thrust into welcoming womanhood also bringing entry to a second infiltration.
Cries rang out as the sound of flesh meeting equally sweaty flesh filled the room. On and off the male's solid sword did the girl push herself as she sought something undescribable. She cared only for the pleasure. The hard firmness swiftly plunderring her to her inner-most chambers while another found its home within the tightly strung sphincter and the bowels within that had previously been just as virgin territory as the hymen had attested to the other sheath being.
The air became charged by the friction of the two life forces coming together and the air had long since developed that musky smell that benotes two souls uniting in passion.
Then in an instant, the flood of sperm exploded from two male members in unison and a third sexual organ released its own kind of fluidic response as the girl joined her male partner in orgasm, coating the length with her sweet honey.
Ranma panted in the aftermath of orgasm. While on the one hand it was interesting to have proven that the added male appendage did indeed fully function, even in his wildest of wet dreams prior to today he had never even considerred doing what had just been done. Ranma made a mental note to kill the stupid panda as soon as whatever that powder was had been burnt out of the system. Ranma sighed and looked down into the face of the person still attached to via the pair of male organs. Meanwhile Ranma's sexual partner did what came naturally when confronted with something like this happening to them. Soun cried and tried to ignore the pressence of Ranma-chan's member within his own posterior. |
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(Posted Wed, 25 Jun 2003 16:27)
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