The Tendo Brothel: Breaking her in... (LEMON) [Episode 20065]


Ranma awoke suddenly, as though someone had snapped their fingers in front of her, and blinked. She took in her surroundings, flexed her arms and wings, and tried to sort out her memories.

It had been a strange dream, she thought. Her father had left her at some place to clear up a family debt... She remembered meeting Kasumi, then...

Gasping, she ran to a nearby mirror and looked over her body. Sure enough, the diamond tattoo was there, as well as others lower down...

"Good morning, Ranma," Kasumi chimed. "I do hope you slept well?"

She gulped. "Wha... what have you done to me?"

Kasumi simply gave a motherly smile. "Nothing you didn't agree to. For the period of one year and one day, you shall be bound to me in service in my family's brothel." She looked Ranma's naked form up and down appreciatively; Ranma covered herself with her wings in embarassment. "Oh, you'll do wonders for our house! Many men and women will pay a good price for an exotic woman such as yourself..."

"I... I won't do it!" Ranma forced out.

Kasumi crossed her arms. "Oh, dear... it seems I am going to have to show you discipline..." She pushed a steaming mug of hot water in her direction. "First of all... if you truly want to be a male, pour this water on yourself."

Ranma grabbed the water in a heartbeat, and poured it on herself. She watched, transfixed, as the Venus symbol around her navel glowed briefly on contact - the only reaction her body gave. She hesitatingly put the mug on the counter top, then questioned Kasumi with her eyes.

"You are woman, Ranma, now and forevermore; your curse is locked for good by that symbol. I suggest you get used to being a woman quickly, as you're going to be one for a very... long... time." She rubbed her hands together. "Now... time for the lessons."

Kasumi pointed to the bed Ranma had just come from. "Lie down."

Ranma decided to make a stand. "N... No."

Kasumi's eyes narrowed. "The more you fight, the harder it will be for you." The vines along her forehead began to glow. "Lie down."

The voice hit Ranma like a command from God; she found herself quickly moving toward the bed and taking a position within. Her eyes showed fear as she stared back at Kasumi.

"That is the geas. You will obey my commands for a year and a day. No matter how hard you fight, should I desire that you do something or someone, you will do it." Her smile shifted toward a predator's stance; she crossed her arms, and her markings glowed once more, if at less intensity. "From now on, I am your mistress. When you address me, you will refer to me only as 'Mistress'. is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress," Ranma replied automatically.

Kasumi nodded approvingly. "Now... rub your breasts for maximum pleasure."

Ranma reached her hands up to cup her breasts, as though discovering their existence for the first time. She slowly rubbed the entire surface area of her breasts in a circular motion, and gasped at the electric sensations she found there.

Kasumi's eyes narrowed; Ranma wondered amidst the ecstacy what the young woman was thinking. Slowly, she found she could get more pleasure by concentrating on the centers; her hands found a rhythm, and continued on with it.

Soon, even through the pleasure from her breasts, something more came up - a burning sensation down where her penis used to be. She wasn't sure what the right word for it was - sex ed wasn't exactly on Genma's curriculum - but it ached to be touched. She found her hips bucking in the air involuntarily as she massaged her breasts; that empty place wanted filled, but she couldn't pry her hands away.

"Stop," Kasumi commanded, and Ranma ceased her ministrations. She flushed red in embarassment at what she'd done, and at the painfully-empty crotch that still ached for... something. She reached her hands down to her nether regions -

"Don't move," Kasumi commanded. Her smile turned positively ruthless. "You will not touch your crotch until I give you permission to do so."

"But... but Mistress..." Ranma whimpered. She needed relief down there! If... if she didn't...

Kasumi smiled, and tossed a small paper bag in her direction. "You may give release to your own desires after you have accomplished two tasks without directly pleasuring your pussy. First, you must give me pleasure as a woman would to another woman. Once that is complete, you must give me pleasure from a woman to a man." Ranma blinked; did Kasumi have a Jusenkyo curse? She ignored the paper bag, and found Kasumi's warning finger wagging in her direction.

"Shame on you. If you are going to pleasure someone else, you must get dressed for the occasion first." She pointed to the bag. "Your clothes..."

Ranma gulped as she pulled out the articles from the bag. She didn't know much about girls' underwear, but she knew this was pretty racy. She stared at the articles for a minute, debating how to put them on, then turned back to Kasumi. "Um... Mistress... could you show me how to put these on?"

Kasumi shook her head. "You have an order, Ranma-chan."

Ranma stared at the articles - all a light pink color, the more likely to make her feel girly, Ranma thought. The first, she thought, was a bra; the panty was self-explanatory. The stretchy thing with the rubber bands attached was more complicated. She wiped the sweat from her brow; her fire wasn't abating, and she needed relief immediately.

She learned quickly. The panty came on first, a mistake, she found; if anything, it made the fire worse. The bra was difficult due to her wings, but she managed; after putting the stretchy thing (a garter belt, Kasumi had said) around her waist, she understood its function easily enough. She figured out all of the articles within three minutes, and stood up before Kasumi.

The clothes felt extremely strange on her body. The stockings seemed to caress her legs with every movement; the bra, her breasts, and the panties, her... that place she didn't want to think about at the moment. The more she thought about it, the worse it got. But the clothes... she couldn't resist.

Kasumi snapped a garter against her thigh. "One mistake, Ranma-chan... you need to put your panties over the garters, not under them. It's hard to get your panties off when they're entangled in your garters."

Ranma gulped; she didn't know how much longer she could hold out. "O... Okay, Mistress." She corrected her outfit in record time, and presented herself again.

Kasuumi raised an eyebrow. "There are some things I will have to teach you about keeping your stockings straight; however, that will do for now." She held out her hands. "Now... undress me, and give me pleasure."

Ranma wasn't one for romance yet; she was a martial artist, and knew how to act fast. Kasumi's skirt was off in seconds; within a minute, Kasumi had been stripped naked and laid on the bed.

Ranma looked over Kasumi's body in indecision, wondering what to do. Kasumi had similar markings across her breasts; also, there was an unusual design just above her honey pot that looked unfamiliar to Ranma. Knowing how to please there, she started with the breasts, massaging them to perfection. She looked over at Kasumi, expecting to see her writhing in passion.

Instead, she lay there like a dead fish. "That isn't going to work, Ranma-chan. If you want to send me to ecstacy... you're going to have to pleasure me there." She pointed to her own crotch.

Ranma blinked. "Um... Mistress... how do I do that? I don't exactly have 'it' anymore..."

Kasumi grinned. "Well, sometimes the hands will work... though the tongue will usually send a girl to ecstacy faster."

That made it up in Ranma's mind; she wanted relief fast, and she was willing to do anything to get it. She dove into Kasumi's wet cunt, her tongue working over every spot, noting places that worked particularly well and focusing on those.

To her frustration, this made her problem even worse. She thought she was going to burn up from passion. She didn't want to talk more than necessary, she didn't want to think more than necessary... she just wanted this overwith. She rubbed those sensitive areas for all she had, even throwing her finger into the works to give double-duty to Kasumi's vagina. Strange, but the taste wasn't nearly as bad as she thought; it was a strange fruity flavor, one she couldn't quite identify.

Soon, she found reward; Kasumi's hips began to buckle, and she poured on the pleasure. Within seconds, the fluids flowed out of Kasumi's hole, and she found a slightly-dazed voice calling to her.

"Ranma-chan... okay. The first part is done. Now let me change."

Ranma pulled out of Kasumi's thighs just in time to see her change. She watched, transfixed, as a symbol flared around Kasumi's navel (a different one from her own, she noticed) and her clit enlarged, sealing up the hole and forming an impressive and erect specimen of manhood. She turned away from the penis to check out the rest of him; sure enough, the soft curves she'd appreciated were gone, replaced by hard muscle.

Ranma gulped at the look in Kasumi's eyes. She knew letchery when she saw it.

"Now, Ranma-chan," Kasumi purred in a deep baritone voice, "you will pleasure me without my penis entering your vagina." He propped himself up on his elbows. "Now... your hands may have some use, but I think I've got enough control of my abilities to fight off you just using your hands. And, personally, I don't feel like fucking you up the ass right now. Which leaves only one way for you to go."

Ranma gulped. "The mouth."

Kasumi nodded. "Right..."

Even with the fire in her belly, Ranma was still hesitant about this. Pleasuring a girl was one thing; after all, it's what she would have done had she not found herself here. But this... sucking some guy's cock... this was almost too much. Still, she smelled the leftover juices from their first exercise, and took some heart, as it still covered his equipment. She took a tentative lick of his head, then began to slowly devour. She hadn't heard about sucking it... she did what she'd done with Kasumi's female form, licking and nibbling her way around his crotch. He was clearly enjoying it... but he found a hand touching her shoulder.

"Sorry, Ranma... good - real good - but not good enough. While that's a great technique to use on customers, it won't work with me. You need to take as much of it in your mouth as possible, and start sucking."

Ranma gulped. Kasumi's glistening cock stared imperiously at her; she thought it over, grimaced at the increasing burning sensation between her legs, and took it in. She nearly gagged as she took too much in at first; soon, though, she found herself getting into a rhythm they both enjoyed. She tried to ignore the fact that she was sucking some other guy's cock, and just tried to get him to come to pleasure as soon as possible... so she could come to pleasure as soon as possible.

Ranma was so absorbed in her work that she didn't recognize the spasm that rippled through Kasumi's body; she took his seed straight in the mouth, and grimaced slightly at the salty taste. Not knowing what else to do, she swallowed the seed and looked back at Kasumi, pleading in her eyes.

"Have I pleased you sufficiently, Mistress?"

Kasumi looked back at her evenly. "You may pleasure yourself one of several ways. First of all, you could use your hands, but that wouldn't be much fun... secondly, there are some toys in that drawer over there that you could use." His eyes glinted in the light. "But the most enjoyable way you could get pleasure is if I showed you just what a man could do to a woman." He gestured to his shrinking penis as example.

Ranma frowned. "Um... Mistress... don't you have to wait awhile, before it gets hard again?"

Kasumi closed his eyes; a moment later, his manhood was back in an erect position. "I'm ready. Are you?"

Ranma needed no prodding. "Yes, Mistress!"

Kasumi, to Ranma's chagrin, made it even more maddening. He made taking off Ranma's bra and panties into a pleasurable art form; Ranma gasped as Kasumi softly suckled her ripe breasts. She whimpered in pleasure as Kasumi worked his magic; he seemed to know every erogenous zone, from a small area at the name of the neck to the small of her back. Even his legs seemed to work magic; from the sheath of her stockings, she felt as though an army of pleasure bugs crawled over her legs as Kasumi rubbed his legs against hers.

And he hadn't even touched there yet.

When it came time for Kasumi to enter her, it went from a pleasurable experience to a spiritual one. Ranma felt filled by Kasumi, and melted as Kasumi had his way in her private place. The past didn't matter anymore; all that mattered was pleasure and the now, and how she wanted this feeling to stay forever...

and then the pleasure snapped, and engulfed her all at once. Ranma dimly heard screaming; it took a moment to realize it was her own voice screaming in pleasure. Every molecule of her being vibrated with the orgasm; her mind saw infinity for a brief moment, then shut down in a bath of pleasure. The experience was beyond anything she'd ever dreamed; she lay on the bed like a broken marionette, staring at the ceiling, seeing nothing and yet everything.

As her mind faded from view, Kasumi hissed in her ear. "Welcome to the Tendo House, Ranma-chan... by the way, most of that you did without the geas ordering you around. How's it feel to be one of the girls?"

Ranma was beyond verbal communication. She sighed once, just before passing out.

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(Posted Wed, 01 Jan 2003 15:46)

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