"Now Ranma" said Kasumi, These are the rules, one: you are to call me, and my sisters, mistress at all times, is that clear?"
Ranma hesitated but forced out "Yes Mistress"
"Second, you're not speak unless spoken to, third, you are not to question me, and fourth and foremost, if you disobey me in any way, you’ll be shackled in the basement for a night. Understood?”
Ranma gulped and nodded. “Now Ranma I don’t have time to give you the training myself but Akane has gladly volenteered to do so."
With that Akane came in with a card-board box. She looked at Ranma with an evil smile, -She's looks good but we're ganna have to get rid of her wings, can't have her flying away.-
"I will be in my office, meanwhile you two have fun in my room. Oh and Akane video tape everything you do."
"Sure thing," Akane said. She knew how much loved to watch her corrupt somebody else.
When Kasumi left Akane opened the card-board box, "What's that for?" asked Ranma.
Akane then slapped Ranma across the face, "You do remember rule #2 don't you? You get three strikes. You get three Strikes you'll spend the night in the basement. Now first we must take off your wings. Turn around."
Ranma said nothing, she just did as she was told. She the major as she heard sound of her wings being cracked off. Then Akane coammanded Ranma sit on the bed. Again Ranma did as she was told, Akane got on her knees, "Gimme your feet," she said, Ranma hesitently did so, as Akane tied Ranma's ankles together. Ranma Paniced, "What are you doin'?!" she cried, Akane pinched her leg.
"Strike two," Akane then got a spool of thread and grabbed Ranma's bound feet and started tying her big toes together, it wasn't long before Ranma felt go to sleep, -What is this training?-
Akane then told Ranma to lay down on her belly. Ranma did so. Ranma felt her knees bein tied up, after that Akane and grabbed Ranma's arms pulling behind her, Ranma tried to resist but to no avail, Ranma was totally weak in her girl form, that's when remembered what Kasumi said. she was stuck in this form forever. Then Ranma felt her bonds tighten, "AAAAAAGHHH!!" She screamed, "Mistress that's to tight!" *SLAP*!
Akane spanked Ranma's left buttocks, "STRIKE THREE, LITTLE GIRL YOU TALK TO MUCH!"
"But Mistress It-MMMMMMMMMM!"
Akane Forced a ballgag in Ranma's mouth, and then went back to hog-tying Ranma. After she was done She walked out the door and said, "I'll be right back after I tell Kasumi you'll be spending the night in the basement."
though it wasn't manly to cry, Ranma couldn't help but do so.
(Posted Thu, 30 Jan 2003 21:28)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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