But unfortunately, he had errored.
The young Chi mage's eyes widened as he felt first one, then two pairs of lips on his shaft. He sagged back, knees trembling as these strange new sensations made their way along his manhood, until at last the head was engulfed by a warm wet mouth. A glance down revealed that the shorter blue haired girl was the one who had claimed the prize.
The Root of the Mountain was a technique that had been refined over the centuries into a potent force that made the user effectively a homing beacon for any female within its range. The Mage's manhood emitted a powerful aura of Lust Chithat only the strongest female will could hope to fight off.
A White Chi master would have known not to practice this technique out in the open without suitable female companionship available. For upon completion of the technique, the practioner would be left with not only an excess of Life energy (with the resulting side effects) but also a stiffie that wouldn't quit for quite awhile. And even more importantly, it was the equivilant of firing a flare for every girl within range that the experience of a lifetime awaited them.
Of course at this point, Ranma had other things on his mind. As well as on other places.
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See other episodes by Ranger of the Crossover Fiancees
(Posted Fri, 20 Dec 2002 22:47)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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