Finally all pets were satisfied, if not satiated, and Ranma was fast asleep in his own room. The rest of his new extended family congregated in or around the living room.
Nabiki was watching TV (a nature documentary about skunks, which she hadn't planned on watching, a mere day earlier), while Kodachi was curled up next to her, her head resting in Nabiki's lap, where the strong aroma of the skunk-girl's pussy was wafting into her flaring nostrils. Nabiki absent-mindedly petted Kodachi's fur, making the tiger-girl rumble blissfully.
Yuka was on the phone with her mother, saying that something very unexpected had come up and that she was going to spend the night at the Tendou home. Sayuri was supporting her and waiting for her turn to tell her parents.
In the kitchen, Kasumi tasted Ukyou's special okonomiyaki. She recognized the flavouring and found it lovely, recommending that Ukyou should use it more often in her recipes. Secretly she planned to do the same for the meals she cooked.
Kurumi was zipping and zooming around the yard, where she discovered and explored all the little nooks and crannies that a hyperactive mouse-girl could squeeze into. Natsume prowled around the perimeter, making sure that everything was safe and secure. She blushed slightly, feeling a little like a guard dog, watching over a flock of sheep, but she did it anyway, as her instincts demanded.
As these things are wont to happen, Shampoo had been splashed with water at some point and was now in cat form. Akane was sitting at the table, reading and keeping Shampoo on her lap, where she tenderly petted the little kitty. Shampoo had her eyes closed and purred continuously.
Kodachi playfully licked the tasty wetness of Nabiki's inner thigh and turned onto her back, looking up at Nabiki. "Rrrrrrowrrr... Stinky, dearr, you have to tell mya something. Wrowr. How did you manage to starrt this? What Prrrrrrr possessed you to wish forr a life as Masterr's sexpet? Mrurrf. It's not a wish I would have expected frrrom you."
Nabiki sighed and kept petting Kodachi's fur - on the front now, which drove the tiger-girl's growling to a much higher pitch. "I didn't wish for that. I was just teasing Ranma by implying that he secretly wished for me to be his sex slave. The stupid, stupid genie took that for a wish and fulfilled it without asking him - where she got the idea to turn me into a contagious animal girl I have no idea. I certainly never mentioned that when I was teasing Master."
Kodachi pondered this, for a while. Nabiki started fondling her breasts and tugging at her nipples, making Kodachi squirm on her back and growl from deep within her throat. She sat up on her haunches and pressed her muzzle to Nabiki's lips, instigating a lengthy duel of tongues. Finally she separated again and said, "I think the genie added that forr yourr benefit."
Nabiki blinked at her. "My benefit? She made me into a sexpet for my own good? Now, I do love being Master's pet, and I look forward to all the sex we'll have over the years - I know we all do - but I also know that the old me would never have wanted this. How does being being an anthropomorphic animal-girl benefit me? How does the fact that I turned my own sister and all of you others into more sexpets benefit me?"
"Mrrrr. Did you not admit that all ourr forrms came frrom yourr mind? That you fantasised about yourrself as a skunk-girrl before? When the genie took yourr worrds forr a wish, she could just have made you his slave - but instead she fulfilled one of yourr fantasies at the same time, even though it surrely will make things morre complicated forr Masterr." Kodachi looked at Nabiki with her head cocked. "I think when you'rre going to have one task forr the rrest of yourr life, it's imporrtant not to let it become borring and just a chorre. If you werre just Masterr's slave, it would have been much easierr to hide orr explain away, but this way yourr time will be morre interesting - and that's forr yourr benefit."
Kodachi playfully nipped at Nabiki's furry ear, making her gasp with pain and pleasure. "See? As forr the ability to turn us into more pets, the same rreasons apply. If you werre rresponsible forr Masterr's pleasurre, all alone, surrely it would have become tedious worrk, rrather than a pleasurre forr yourrself. Now you have us as yourr sisterrs to share the load and multiply the pleasurre."
"But then why not let me have control over it?" asked Nabiki agitatedly. "Why make it so that any sisters I gain are the result of accidents? Not a single one of you was sprayed deliberately, and not one of you shared my fate voluntarily. None of you would have agreed, if it had been your choice."
"I would not be so surre about that. Frrankly, yourr position as a de facto concubine forr life did intrrigue me. You rrealize, of courrse, that I was neverr so deluded as to think I was rreally a contenderr forr Masterr's hearrt." Kodachi lowered her gaze. No matter what she might say, it still hurt to admit this out loud.
Nabiki pulled her into a hug. "I know, Kodachi," she said. "I understood that, when you came to Akane and asked her for a date with Ranma, to compete with that White Lily girl. Don't be sad - now you'll be his forever. And we all will have each other." They kissed tenderly.
When they broke the hug, Nabiki said, "But that doesn't explain why I have no control over the transformations."
"Assuming you did have contrrol, would you rreally have turrned me? Even if I asked? Would you have sprrayed Miss Kuonji, once she came to the inevitable conclusion that this is herr only chance at something betterr than 'let's just be frriends' forreverr?"
Nabiki looked at her, unable to answer.
"I don't think so. Yourr conscience may allow you to tease and sometimes exploit otherrs, but you do drraw a line somewherre - and voluntarrily turrning someone into a sexpet like yourrself is on the farr side of that line." Kodachi grinned smugly, as only a tiger-girl can grin. "So much betterr to just take it out of yourr hands and let things happen naturrally. No need forr a guilty conscience, and look what you have achieved! Wherre therre was fierrce competition beforre, therre now is harrmony and happiness. Wherre uneasy frriendship and tentative trruces prevailed, new love has blossomed. We forrmer fiancées at least have much for which to be grrateful - all thanks to yourr teasing worrds to Masterr and a stupid genie. Thank you, Stinky - Nabiki - I love you."
Tears were pooling in Nabiki's eyes at Kodachi's declaration. It had been a very long time since Nabiki last felt so loved and accepted by anyone, let alone so many people as her new family now held. She started to sniffle and let herself be hugged by Kodachi. She cried on the tiger-girl's shoulder, finally letting go of the guilt over ensnaring so many others in the fate they now shared. Kodachi softly kissed her ear and murmured soothing words.
Akane, who had looked up from her book when the conversation started, also cried, as she watched her sister finding relief in Kodachi's embrace. Shampoo stood on her rear legs on Akane's lap, with her front paws braced against Akane's chest, and licked at the tears that were painting tracks on Akane's cheeks. Akane looked down at her and kissed her on the muzzle, which Shampoo eagerly returned. "I love you, too, Shampoo-chan," Akane whispered so softly that only Shampoo's sensitive ears could pick it up.
When the hug between Kodachi and Nabiki turned to fondling, then licking and rubbing, Akane picked up the small cat and left for the furo. She had some fondling, licking and rubbing of her own to do.
Shampoo purred in anticipation.
(Posted Thu, 09 Jan 2003 22:59)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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