Sexpet Nabiki: "Ranma, a bunny thing happened to Ucchan..." (LIME) [Episode 16453]


Yuka and Sayuri were in the anteroom of the Tendou furo, frantically pulling off their drenched clothes.

"God, this stuff stinks! I'm never going to get that out of my dress," complained Sayuri.

"Yeah, it smells like an animal, all musky and stuff - and it's Nabiki, can you believe that? Nabiki Tendou is some kind of half-animal skunk-girl and she sprayed us."

Sayuri dropped her bra and pulled down her panties. "She wasn't wearing any panties, did you see that?"

Yuka dropped her own panties and slowed down. She thought back to the sight that had greeted them upon opening the sliding door. It had been so strange that it hadn't really registered until now that she thought about it - a female backside with its skirt flipped up, a raised tail with black-and-white striped fur, and then a splash of stinky animal fluid right in her face, coming from... "She was all furry down there," said Yuka, blushing. She didn't notice her nostrils flaring and breathing deeply of Nabiki's smell that was by now permeating the anteroom.

"I know!" said Sayuri. "And it wasn't pubic hair either. It looked like skunk fur, all black and soft and glossy with a white stripe..." She unconsciously ran her hand over her own pubic hair, as she contemplated Nabiki's furry crotch.

"I wonder what it's like for her," said Yuka. A droplet fell from her face to her right breast, and she automatically raised a hand to wipe at it. The hand continued to rub the fluid around, massaging Nabiki's musk into her skin and stiffening nipple. "She probably smells like this all the time."

"Hmmm, you know," said Sayuri, slowing and wiping a finger over her drenched face, "it doesn't really smell that bad. It's kinda strong and musky, but not as stinky as I first thought." She sniffed at the finger and then, without thinking about it, stuck it in her mouth to suck it clean. "Oh! It tastes pretty good, though."

Yuka's eyes bugged out. "You tasted that?! It came out of Nabiki's... you-know-what, and you put it in your mouth?" She nervously licked her lips, then blinked. Sayuri was right, it tasted good! She licked her lips some more, this time on purpose. Yummy! And it really didn't smell bad at all. It smelled of sex and horny animals and... And her tongue just couldn't reach far enough.

Yuka and Sayuri looked at each other's dripping faces, and their eyes met. At once they knew how to get more of the lovely taste.


Nabiki was at the base of the stairs, trying to get a struggling Ukyou upstairs to her room and their Master.

"Ukyou, it's no use fighting it. Look at your ears! In a minute or two you'll be so horny for Ranma that you won't even be able to walk upright. I'd rather have you in my room with Ranma by that time."

But Ukyou wasn't in a rational mood. "No! I won't give in! You can't do this to me!" Her struggles grew weaker, and Nabiki could smell that the okonomiyaki-chef was starting to feel the arousal. "I'm stronger than this!"

Suddenly a voice from behind Ukyou said, "No, you is not. You is turning into bunny rabbit. Shampoo can see tail grow in pants."

Before Ukyou could turn around, two strong arms encircled her from behind and pulled her to the stairs.

"Nabiki take legs, yes? Careful - not let her kick you!" said Shampoo to the surprised skunk-girl.

Nabiki quickly followed Shampoo's lead, and together they carried the squirming Ukyou up the stairs.

"Nooo! Ukyou doesn't want to be a horny, slutty fuckbunny, with a wet, aching, dripping, empty pussy! Ukyou no want to be Ranma's pet, want to be fian- fi- f... fuck! Want fuck! Need fuck now!"

Nabiki pitied the poor girl, who would never achieve her dream of being Ranma's wife. At least she would be spared the heartbreak of losing that dream, since the magic would make her content to be Master's pet. Still, her heart went out to the girl that Ukyou used to be.

By the time they had reached Nabiki's room, Ukyou was beyond words. They let her loose and she happily hopped into Ranma's room, following the scent of her master.

"Oh my! Ukyou-chan, how cute you look. Master should be ready for you."

Nabiki and Shampoo leaned against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shampoo?" asked Nabiki after a moment. "Why were you helping me like that? Thanks for that, by the way - I'm just curious."

Shampoo shrugged. "Shampoo knows what is like to go into heat. Is very bad thing, if you is in heat and not get sex - If takes too long, can do lasting damage."

Nabiki gulped. It had been over an hour since Master had fucked her, and already she ached for his touch so badly that she had almost followed Ukyou into her room. "What- what kind of lasting damage?"

Shampoo blushed and looked around to make sure nobody else was listening. "Why you think Shampoo talk like this? Is good thing we is in Japan, so peoples think Shampoo no learn language and nobody find out that she talk Chinese same way." She saw Nabiki's horrified look and pulled herself up straight. "Failed Warrior go to Jusenkyou and face harsh punishment. Must bear with pride, or is no worthy."

Shampoo realized that she had opened up to the skunk-girl far more than she had intended. Perhaps seeing Ukyou's transformation had shaken her more than she had thought. She had to concentrate on her plan. Smiling, she reached out for Nabiki and softly stroked one of her furry ears. "You is very cute pet, Nabiki. Shampoo hopes she become Ranma's wife, then she can have much, much fun with pets, yes?"

Nabiki trembled at the delicate, sensual touch of Shampoo's fingers and the seductive tone of her voice. The sounds and smells coming from her room were eroding her self-control, and she had no resistance to offer, when Shampoo closed the distance between them and kissed her. She melted into Shampoo's embrace, and the flames of her lust were only fanned by the skillful way that Shampoo was stroking the underside of her tail at the base. How did she know that was an erogenous zone, if even Nabiki hadn't known until now?

Shampoo slipped around Nabiki and smiled to herself. With one hand under Nabiki's skirt, stroking her pubic fur and the other caressing her breasts, she steered her future pet towards Kasumi's room, where they would have 'much, much fun', she was sure. Her plan to seduce all of Ranma's pets to make them support her as his wife was off to an auspicious start. She breathed deeply of Nabiki's musk and playfully nibbled a furry ear. Even if this plan didn't work, it was going to be so much fun to try.

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(Posted Sun, 15 Dec 2002 15:46)

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