Ranma's held her securely about the waist mostly, though occasionally they wandered upward to caress her shapely breasts.
With each thrust, Nabiki felt a surge of pleasure that she could somehow sense was echoed in her new master. The pressure was quickly building up to a boiling point, and it was hardly long before she fell over the edge.
Then Nabiki slumped forward wearily and sighed lovingly at the feel of Ranma's hands about her as he gently laid her down and lied beside her.
Later, as Ranma and Nabiki both became more experienced, Nabiki would learn that this first time, as wonderful as it felt, was just an appetizer.
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See other episodes by Thrythlind
(Posted Sat, 14 Dec 2002 05:32)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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