However, with nearly unlimited power at her hands she could do something else. She could come very close.
From the outside, Nabiki and Ranma bore many traits connected to the undead. Pale skin, retractable fangs, and longer nails tough as claws. Ranma's black hair seemed to turn darker still as Nabiki's brown hair darkened to a raven black. Both of their eyes had shifted to a scarlet hue.
Some of the changes, of course, came entirely from the sex slave part of the wish. Nabiki's breasts had swelled at least two cup sizes and an urge and a need was quickly washing over her. Terrified and aroused beyond her understanding, she drove herself forward and wrapped her arms about Ranma, clutching as if he were her lifeline.
"M...Master," Nabiki whispered, though she had intended to say Ranma. "I...I'm burning."
Ranma understood what was happening as history re-weaved about him.
Ranma had been split into two by Happosai's incense and nearly reduced into a fanged monster of mindless violence until his dark-side was forcefully rejoined to his yang. The brief happenstance had not been as completely undone as might they had thought.
Ranma kept quiet for a long time, mostly because even he hadn't realized the changes at first. And then a combination of things had happened.
First, was the sexual dependency drug that Happosai had slipped Ranma. Fortunately for Ranma, Happosai had not understood the directions and thus did not know that the potion would make Ranma's next partner devoted to him. It would not leave Ranma overwhelmed by lust.
This would normally not be a problem. Unfortunately, later that night Ranma happened upon a trio of thugs advancing on Nabiki. There was something very off about their chi and Ranma didn't hesitate to launch himself at them.
It was mere moments before the would-be muggers had turned tail and run before Ranma's martial arts talent. They had seemed much more incredulous at the defeat than the common ganger, however.
"Thanks Ranma," Nabiki had said feebly.
And Ranma had turned to see Nabiki struggling to stand, one hand to her throat where she had been bitten. A strange force was eating through her chi, killing her from the inside out and replacing her life force with something else. Ranma shouldn't have known what to do, but he did.
When Ranma's yin rejoined his yang, a new balance had been reached. And new instincts had come with it. Nabiki gasped with shock as Ranma quickly dove forward and latched onto her throat. Four sharpened canines sank into her throat and began to draw out Nabiki's life. And along withit, that strange force that had been killing her.
Before Nabiki fell into danger, Ranma had opened a vessel in his shoulder with a brief swipe of his nails. The middle Tendo girl's mind was swimming as she accepted the offered blood and drank deeply.
The diluted essence of the vampire that had been on the verge of turning Nabiki into a mindless ghoul, met with the essence of Ranma's vestigal chi-vampirism and combined into something completely new.
Living, breathing vampires in the manner of the chi vampire, but with the physical requirements of an undead vampire, that is what Nabiki and Ranma had become. And with a mish-mash of powers.
Nabiki and Ranma could walk through the daylight, though the sun burned them badly and they had to wear thick clothes. Nabiki became inhumanly quick and strong. Ranma might have become so if his chi-training and martial arts hadn't already enhanced him beyond that limit, but, as he was such an advanced martial artist, he gained no apparent increase in strength or speed.
They could both sense chi-auras now, in fact, their chi sight overwhelmed their normal sight.
The colors they saw weren't the same as they had once been, and they were now finding window as opaque as brick, while paper seemed almost a mere flimsy mist. She couldn't enjoy a movie very well any longer, nor television, it was like looking at a blank screen with the sound on.
And reading was a terribly difficult task. A thick slice of wood or some other solid object had to be placed under each page she wanted to read lest the now transparent paper jumble all the thankfully visible ink into a jumble of unreadable nonsense.
A small comfort was that the chi-sight was practically three-hundred and sixty degrees and operated regardless of the degree of light. Only a sharp accent in the highly visible chi-lines indicated the shift between night and day, for example. In addition, they were beginning to get adept at understanding what the auras about them said of their friends' and family's emotions were.
In addition, there were other powers that they had not yet learned. Such as teleporting along the chi-lines, ley-lines to the Europeans. There was also the ability to access chi that was external to them, including the chi of other living creatures, but neither had discovered that yet.
Silver was another problem
The main problem wasn't their new handicaps and powers. They were learning to cope with such things, and had even managed to hide their new natures from the majority of everybody else.
The main problem was that sexual dependence drug that Happosai had slipped Ranma. Apparently, the exchange of blood and mixxing of souls was more than intimate enough without the sex to trigger the spell.
Nabiki now NEEDED Ranma, badly. She had held out bravely for a week since her near-death. But the spell was overpowering her. If she continued to fight then she'd do nothing but overload her own brain driving herself to eventual madness, or perhaps just a life as bimbo-ette sex-slave. Which wasn't much different from insanity.
Ranma frowned reluctantly, already forgetting the genie, and thanked the lucks that put both him and Nabiki at home alone.
He took the terrified girl gently by the shoulders and hesitantly leaned down to kiss her and direct her softly to the bed. Immediately some of Nabiki's distress seemed to fade as she moaned into the kiss, not protesting at all as her clothes were pulled off.
Nabiki, falling to Happosai's drug, was only aware of one thing, her master's inexperienced hands caressing her body and enthusiastically, if not skillfully, penetrating her virgin barrier.
Nabiki did not care about Ranma's lack of technique, she only cared that it was him, Ranma, taking her. And, what small part of her rational mind could see through the haze of lust, was almost driven to tears at the sight of Ranma's aura hanging over her, gentle and protective.
And then it was over, and Nabiki curled up against her master affectionately and slumbered.
Ranma watched her sleep with a load of hope and worry. Wondering if she'd been permanently damaged as Happosai had said was possible.
Finally, Nabiki woke up and...
See other episodes by Thrythlind
(Posted Wed, 02 Jul 2003 23:54)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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