There still remained ONE member of the fiancee brigade that she had to talk to. Granted, Shampoo felt that this particular girl was hardly an obstacle at all, but then Ranma could be very soft and wishy washy about any female, not to take chances.
And so Shampoo altered her course slightly.
Kodachi sneezed forcefully, but she didn't take any notice of it since she had been sneezing forcefully off and on all day.
It had not been a good day for her so far.
All because she woke up with this rather powerful strain of flu having somehow wormed its way into her system and taken hold like Midorigame with a piece of meat.
She was nauseous, dizzy, weak, wheezing, and she could barely think straight, something that was not usually a problem for her. She may have been mildly delusional, but at least she was intelligent enough to usually think things through well enough. She was no where near as severed from the world her as her brother and father were. (at least, not usually)
This minor eccentricity of Kodachi's, combined with her current state of physical illness resulted in her currently having a rather...unique view of things.
When Shampoo worked her way through the defenses on Kodachi's wing of the Kuno estate (a necessity when one has family such as Kodachi's) the gymnast was lying in bed, sweating as if she were in a sauna, and talking in a slow, dazed manner with a fever hallucination that Shampoo deduced was probably one of the ancient Empresses of Japan, from the time before idiot men had taken over the leadership.
"Aiyah," Shampoo said. "You is burning up." At least the sweating meant that the gymnast seemed to be on the verge of breaking the fever.
"It is quite hot for this time of year," Kodachi agreed, not really aware of what was happening.
"Ribbon-girl have....uh...medicine cabinet?" Shampoo asked.
"Why my garden is doing quite well, milady," Kodachi said.
"Ummm," Shampoo said hesitantly. "Where is 'garden?'"
"Right out side, milady," Kodachi said. She pointed languidly. "That hallway, three doors on the right."
Shampoo nodded and walked down the hallway hoping to find one of these "medicine cabinets" that were so prevalent about modern Japan. She was momentarily dismayed to find an actual garden, until she realized that it was a garden full of medicinal herbs.
"Aiyah!" Shampoo declared. "Shampoo know how use these medicines!" If it had been a cabinet full of things like "aspirin" and "tylenol" then she would have been lost, but she could use the plants in here easy enough.
She was soon back at Kodachi's side with a strong smelling tea and a jar of some sticky looking poultice with its own strong aroma.
"You drink this," Shampoo ordered as she pulled Kodachi to a sitting position in the bed.
She pressed the cup of tea to Kodachi's lips and helped the girl drink. Kodachi reacted almost immediately, her eyes losing the faded, disconnected quality and becoming merely...tired seeming.
"Shampoo...isn't it?" Kodachi asked, dazedly, finally recognizing the Amazon.
"Finish tea," Shampoo commanded, and the confused gymnast did so, blinking as the cup was taken from her hands firmly and set to the side. "Now relax and Shampoo fix you." As she spoke, Shampoo untied the belt about Kodachi's bed-kimono and slipped the robe off of her shoulders.
"What are dear," Kodachi's voice trailed off as Shampoo began to massage her, starting at her hand and wrists. She squirmed nervously as the Amazon's fingers firmly dug into her flesh. "What are you doing?"
"Sickness make ribbon-girl all tense up," Shampoo said. "Blood no can flow, and no get better. Shampoo fix."
As she spoke her hands moved further up Kodachi's arm, plying at the gymnast's overly tense muscles until she felt them loosen and felt a more natural warmth spread back into Kodachi's skin.
"Oh, that feels...quite...good..." Kodachi muttered tiredly, leaning forward against Shampoo's shoulder. Then her eyes narrowed. "Why, praytell are you helping me?"
Shampoo paused for a moment in her massaging of Kodachi's upper arm and considered for a moment, before reaching over and...
"Woda airen," she said, before kissing the surprised gymnast full on the mouth and slipping a gentle, prodding tongue into Kodachi's mouth. "You is now Shampoo wife."
"Pardon!?" Kodachi said, trying to jerk away from Shampoo and finding herself to weak to do so.
"No move so much yet," Shampoo admonished. Shampoo took Kodachi's other arm and began working on it as Kodachi began to decide that this was some kind of fever dream.
"I see," Kodachi muttered as she again leaned forward against Shampoo. "You have finally awknowledged my...mmmmm...."
As Shampoo finished with the gymnast's other arm she found herself in an odd position. Kodachi was virtually draped over her, half-awake and it would be difficult to dislodge her without waking her up fully and probably provoking another occurence of shouting, and she wanted Kodachi to relax right now.
Still, she found it was quite easy to reach around behind Kodachi and work at the gymnast's back muscles in that manner. When the half-naked gymnast responded by wrapping her own arms around Shampoo and moaning pleasantly, Shampoo smiled victoriously.
Then Shampoo was finished with Kodachi's back, and she, ever-so-gently, lay the gynast back down on the bed before carefully disengaging from her and turning her attention to Kodachi's legs.
Shampoo couldn't help but feel impressed as she started to rub and twist at Kodachi's smooth, pale legs, quite long for someone of her body-size.
"Ribbon-girl have nice legs," Shampoo said as she worked at a particularly bad knot in Kodachi's knee.
"Thank you," Kodachi sighed, her leg shifting slightly under Shampoo's expert grip.
That exquisite grip moved slowly up her leg toward the rose of her being and then, just as she expected it to move over her delta, Shampoo switched to the other leg, and the process started all over again.
Kodachi was a flutter with expectation, desire, and confusion by the time Shampoo finished the second leg and she felt someone straddle her. She cracked open one eye to see Shampoo holding one of her poultice jars in one hand while the other descended down....
As Kodachi felt her bra removed she sighed and closed her eyes again. The brief, cold touch of the poultice Shampoo had concocted brought Kodachi to enough reality to realize that this was no fever dream. But she no longer cared, it felt so nice to have someone attending to her.
"This soak through skin," Shampoo said. "Make breathing easier."
"Oooo," Kodachi gasped, arching her back slightly as Shampoo softly smeared the poultice over her chest and kneaded it into her skin. "Ahhhh."
Shampoo took especial care to coer Kodachi's breasts, a mere handful unlike Shampoo's own large breasts, working the poultice firmly into the sensitive skin about Kodachi's nipples and working slowly, ever so slowly downward over Kodachi's firm abdomen.
The combination of the cool poultice in the slightly breezy air on Kodachi's hot skin inflamed the sensations she was receiving long after Shampoo's hands and passed downward, massaging and applying the poultice further.
Then Shampoo paused and wiped her hands with a towel as she slipped back off Kodachi and considered what to do next. Technically she had done everything that needed to be done for the treatment purposes.
When her patient lazily spread her legs wide and reached downward toward her groin, Shampoo took it as an invitation.
She smiled as she slipped an agile hand into each side of Kodachi's black panties and slowly pulled them down, leaving Kodachi's delta bare to Shampoo's sight.
Shampoo tickled at the slim strip of downy black hair that covered Kodachi's mound. The action elicited pleased sighs and groans from Kodachi. The amazon smiled and increased the pressure, drawing a more fervant gasp from Kodachi, then she began caressing and massaging the other girl in full earnest.
Kodachi, thinking somewhat clearer, but still tired and worn out from the flu, felt the Amazon's attentions as a rising tide of pleasure that overwhelmed her senses. The fact that she was feeling everything in a distorted manner did nothing but add to the sensation as she held her breath and gripped at the bed around her.
Shampoo noted the writhing in her wife's body and toned down her actions only a little to keep the sick girl from exhausting herself to much.
All this did was cause the tide to rise slower and, by virtue of anticipation, drove Kodachi to react with greater energy.
Then, finally, she arched her back and released her breath in a sudden cry before settling back down and slowly drawing in her breath and visibly calming down.
Shampoo smiled as she removed her fingers and hands from Kodachi's delta and licked them clean before taking the towel to dry them.
She gently took a thin sheet and draped it carefully over Kodachi, so the poultice would not be wiped off so much, stroking Kodachi's hair as she did so and kissing her lightly on the brow.
"Now Ribbon...Kodachi be a good wife and get some rest, yes?" Shampoo said quietly into Kodachi's ear. The gymnast muttered contentedly and nodded as she started to fall back asleep, spent by activity and illness.
"Shampoo-sama," Kodachi sighed before falling back asleep.
Shampoo smiled joyfully at having made her first conquest. True, Kodachi had been in a vulnerable situation, but a consummated Kiss of Marriage was a consummated Kiss of Marriage. And perhaps she could use this experience to help her with Akane and Ukyou.
Then she gently draped a heavy blanket over the thin sheet and left to...
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(Posted Wed, 04 Dec 2002 15:06)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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