Genma was beginning to be a bit bothered by events. Everything had seemed so right, so straight-forward at the time but now... After he had finished his supper yesterday, he had found the idea of a 'daughter desert' irresistable, and she had stripped on command and presented her pussy for his delight... and it had tasted just as good as he had expected. After that Genma had been feeling like having a little more, and had introduced his daughter to the pleasures of cock-sucking.
The appearance of the Guide and his teakettle in the middle of this had been a surprise, and the Guides moralising sermon on how Genma was doing wrong quite irritating. However when Genma had told the girl to do the Guide, the moralising had ceased as Genma was treated to the sight of his daughter sucking off another man... a sight that had inspired Genma to return his cock to it's rightful location in the girls pussy.
Then this morning... the girl had performed on demand, giving both Genma and the Guide a pleasant start to the day. So after a delighful morning of sex and well cooked food, Genma had decided to give his daughter a treat - he had given her a more feminine name to suit her new state. But when they had packed up, Ranko had started acting emotional and irrational - going so far as to argue that being a sex-slave did not make it her job to carry twice as much or stay as a girl during travel. Ah well... at least Ranko was starting to act like a girl outside of sex. Whining and carrying on for no good reason.
Glancing up at the village they were nearing, Genma noted the Guide nervously prattled warnings about the village being run by women, and how they shouldn't order Ranko around inside... or anywhere nearby, unless they changed her back to a boy. Genma discounted most of the Guides warnings and considered what was likely to be in a village run by women. Perhaps he could get Ranko some sexy clothes that would properly display her figure.
Ranma glared at 'her' father as they came up to a chinese village. The stupid old Panda was exploiting 'her' status as his sex-slave far beyond what Ranma had expected. Being fucked, well she did enjoy that, cock-sucking also, although she preferred Genma to the Guide. The Guide just didn't have much staying power. Being made to do the cooking and cleaning... nothing new there really, and she did it better than the old Panda anyway. But three things had really pissed her off - the first was the Panda's throwing away her training, saying that:
"Girls don't need to fight", when she had wanted to spar this morning. Then he had dared to follow this up with an order to stay female, expressly forbidding attempts to return to being a boy - casting an eye at the sky, Ranma did have to admit that she was unlikely to suceed in staying male today - and then he had had the gall to follow up that restriction with the command to consider her name to be Ranko.
It was almost like the old fart had forgotten Ranma was a guy. Admittedly a guy with a great pair of tits and a hungry cunt, and who had agreed to be Genma's sex-slave for a month. But Ranma didn't understand why that meant he had to be a full-time girl. A guy during the day and a girl at night, and possibly in the mornings, seemed the most reasonable thing - but would the Panda consider it... NO!. Nix!. Absolutely not!.
The scent of food brought Ranma out of her thoughts, and the table laden with food attracted her full attention, however as Ranma stepped towards the table she paused. Genma had ran past her, and Ranma couldn't help but glare resentfully as her human father went past her and started tearing into the food - it was OK for him to squander time and hot water staying human, but not for her to stay male.
The Guides horrified voice dragged Ranma out of her resentful state and she gathered that the food was not laid out for passing martial artists. And that purple-haired girl with the Bon-bori intended to beat that into Pop's head and out the other side.
Genma stared at the girl who had attacked him. Something about stealing the prize the Guide said. Prize. Prize's could be won. For a moment Genma almost offered to send his son into fight, then he remembered - he didn't have a son any more, and no way was he going to risk his lovely daughter against these barbarians. Turning to the Guide he announced:
"I'll fight her for the prize, if she think's she's up to facing a real martial artist."
See other episodes by The Major
(Posted Tue, 03 Dec 2002 12:48)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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