Lemon Flu: A Kiss Of Silver (LEMON) [Episode 13204]

by Kender

Sliding into Ranma's room to be sure that no one else noticed, Nabiki smiled to herself. Laying on the futon before her was the oh-so wonderful body of Ranma Saotome. She felt an ache in her belly as she thought of what she was about to do with it, and him. After all the time that she had spent fantasizing about the 'dumb jock', and not only during the flu, she was about to finally make those dreams a reality.

She knelt down next to his face and ran the tips of her fingers along his face before lowering her lips to his. Pressing her mouth to his, she kissed him with the hunger that was driving her to distraction. All the passion and frustration that she had been feeling for so many hours was poured into that kiss and it just felt wonderful.

As for the pigtailed boy, even though he could sleep through just about everything save an attack or food, he was drawn awake by the feel of delightfully soft lips against his. His eyes opened to look into those of the middle Tendo as she drew back and smiled at him. "Nabiki?"

"Yes, it's me Ranma-kun."

"What are you doing?"

She smirked at him. "Kissing you awake."


"This," she told him and guided one hand to her lace covered breast. Her nipple hardened against his palm and she left his hand against it. "I want to make love with you."

"You do?"

"Hmm hmmm."

Hesitantly, Ranma's face came up and he gave her a kiss on the lips. His mouth worked against hers as he came out of the futon to make it better. The hand that had been put against her breast began to caress that firm orb. He smiled as the movements brought groans from her but she decided to take it further.

Standing up, she let Ranma see all her body. His gaze travelled up her form, noting the bits of lace that covered her breasts and groin and the thigh highs on her shapely legs. "Like what you see?" At Ranma's nod she cocked her head and gave him a look that he couldn't decipher. "Then I guess that's its time to do something else..."

Before he could ask what that was, Nabiki was kneeling next to him again, but her attention was focused on his lap. Her hands drew down his pants and boxers, freeing his member from the restriction of being covered. Putting her habit of sucking on candy and ice pops to another use, she licked the hard rod along its legnth and head before covering it with her mouth. Inexperience might have hindered her, but she was able to send Ranma into a series of groans that had him clutching at his sheets.

But she wasn't done as was shown by her stopping before he came. Removing her bra, she pillowed the hard organ between her full breasts and began to press them against it as she moved up and down along it. The valley between her cleaveage became slick as her motion brought all of the rod into play, before sitting back and giving him a sultry smile.

Yet, Ranma wasn't one to let someone else do all the work and used his greater speed to tumble her down onto her back. "Ranma?" she breathed.

He smirked down at her while he slipped his hand under her panties and in between her legs. Her breath came in gasps as his fingers inexpertly, but confidently began to play with her lower lips. She whimpered as those fingers entered her and began to do as she had so much in the time that he had been at school, but just as she had, he stopped before she reached her peak.

The middle Tendo was just gaining her breath back when she realized that Ranma was pulling her panties off. He slid in between her legs and looked into her eyes. With her slight nod, his member entered her folds and they both moaned from the sensation. Some ancient instinct drove him as he began the motions that would grant them release. Her arms and legs wrapped around him as their bodies came together in a haze of lust. Their cries grew louder and louder as teir bodies became one.

When the peak hit, it left the two teenagers without any thought but each other. Their world was just on the moment that he had made her his and the bliss that the action had brought. As the wave of bliss died down, they just stayed as they were and basked in it.

And while they were still embraced in their joining,:

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(Posted Thu, 28 Nov 2002 04:40)

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