Doubly Cursed: Ranma's new MASTER! (LEMON) [Episode 12856]

by Ely

Water poured down over Ranma's head from the bottle that Taro held above him, but not cold water, as Ranma had expected, but hot, near scolding water.

Taro, grinning feverishly down at Ranma, finished what he had been saying. "That was boiled water from the spring of Submissive Slave Girl. "

Looking down at herself, Ranma could see the familiar curse-veiw that he was used to; breasts jutting their way out into his line of vision. She had been doused with hot water, yet she rermained female... What did this mean? Had she really been doused with water from the spring of drowned Submissive Slave girl? Ranma's began to fear that this might well be the truth when she found that she couldn't bear to meet Taro's gaze, her fears were confirmed when Taro next spoke.

"Now that you have been doused," Taro proclaimed "You will forever be my female slave when in your hot water form. Don't worry though, you will still have your own mind, if not your own body, when you are doused with cold. Now get down on your knees, pull out my cock, and start stroking it."

Ranma didn't hesitate for a second she just dropped to her knees, loosened Taro's trousers, withdrew his member from its confines, and then slowly ran her finger tips up and down the cock before her, stroking it gently and lovingly.

'I really am a slave girl like this.' Ranma thought to herself. 'I will do what ever the master tells me to.' The thought didn't bother Ranma at all at the moment, in fact it brought her a strange form of relief. Actually, the very act of stroking Taro's cock was turning Ranma herself on. She was beging to yern the fel of him in side her, of him thrusting his way past her pussy lips, and using hr as she was designed to be used. Soon Ranma was burning with desire, yet she would not think of saying so unless her master commanded it. She would not do anything that he did not want her too.

Presently Taro told ranma to stop stroking him and to undress herself. Soon she was laying back on the roof tiles, with Taro's swollen member resting against her vagina lips.

"Do you want me to screw you?" Taro asked her. Seeing her immediate nod, he continued. "I will screw you if you first do one thing for me."

"What must I do for you?" Ranma found herself begging.

"Just put this around your neck," Taro said, handing her a thin silver choker with a blue gem in it's middle, "And say aloud, 'I put myself into your control, Master Taro."

Ranma eagerly placed the choker around her neck and spoke the words. The gem glowed brightly for a second, but Ranma did not notice this, for as soon as Ranma had said the words, Taro plunged his cock within her, and started pumping away inside of her.

Minutes passed, with the only sounds being of Taro's grunts and Ranma's feminine moans. Too soon, Ranma felt, Taro came inside her, and collapsed onto her chest. Ranma showed no signs of her disapointment, and merely waited to hear what her master wanted of her.

"Ranma," Taro eventually said, "You had better hear about the choker. Happosai, why don't you explain it to her, as you were the one who gave it to me."

At that prompt the shrivelled martial artas master himself stepped out of a patch of shaddow from which he had been watching the proceedings. He wore his own errection, but for the time being he ignored it.

"It's quite simple," he stated, "Firstly; you may altetr the choker's appearance at will to suit your other attire, or even make it invisible or insubstantial. You may not, however, ever remove it. Secondly; you will no longer be able to attempt to harm Taro or anyone who he puts under his protection in any way shape or form. Thirdly; you must always do exactly as commanded by Taro or anyone under his protection." He smiled down at Ranma lecherously. "I have the papers, Taro, if you will but put me under your protection."

"Very well." Said Taro, "Ranma, as of now, Happosai is under my protection. Enjoy your toy Happosai."

Happosai's grin doubled in size. "Here are the papers, Taro. As of now your name is officially Sai Taro. Now as for you ranma, I shall give my first commands to you! Only ever willingly fuck people if they are men who we allow you to. From now on you will dress with the sole intent of appealing to men. You will mostly dress sluttily. You will often wear short skirts with no panties. You will always wear a sexy bra when it is appropriate. You may dress other wise if we tell you to."

Having gotten the preliminaries out of the way, Happosai and Taro decided to:

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(Posted Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:02)

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