"Hi Kasumi. Ya got anything ta munch on..."
"Oh my, Ranma, you're home!" Kasumi said happily as she wiped her hands on her apron.
The pigtailed boy gulped as he watched the elder Tendo turn towards him, wearing nothing but an apron. "Uh... um... why are ya... dressed like... THAT?"
"I was feeling incredibly warem to day. It was just so HOT. Do you like it?"
Licking dry lips, Ranma nodded. "Yeah... I guess..."
"Thank you. I'd been hoping you'd like it."
"Uh... well... do ya... I mean... I'm hungry..."
"Oh you poor dear," Kasumi said softly as she reached over to get a rice ball, "Let's get you fed..."
"Thanks..," said Ranma just as he realized that she intended to hand feed him. Instead of his normal gulping eating style, he bit into it and chewed slowly, licking off her fingers as he finished.
"Oh...my..," she breathed at the sensation, before picking up another ball. She fed him several this way, with him licking and nibbling on her fingertips when she changed things a bit. Putting the next rice ball partially in her mouth, she leaned over and let him nibble it that way. As the ball was eatedn, their lips came together in what quickly became a kiss, and a heated one at that.
His hands roamed along her supple sides down to her bottom where they grabbed and squeezed as their mouths were locked together. Hunger of a different sort fueled a passionate duel that they were both winning. He could feel the hardness of her nipples as her chest pressed into his.
She gave a moue of dissappointment as he pulled a little away, but blinked in surprise as he lifted her up by her waist and sat her on the counter. Confusion gave way to pleasured understanding as he moved her apron out of the way and lowered his head to the junction of her legs. Little moans of pleasure echoed from her throat as his mouth went to work on her folds. Her hands touched upon his head, but all the force had been drawn out of them by the waves of pleasure.
All too quickly, the tounge stopped and he stood up. Ranma pulled on he legs, but didn't take her all the way off. As she hung of the counter, he lowered his pants and boxers to reveal his hardened member. Kasumi smiled and nodded before his slowly and inexorably slid it in between her waiting petals. His hands slid under the apron to caress and mould the fullness of her breasts as they began to dance the oldest one around. Her hands clutched at his shoulders as he began to pump pleasure after pleasure into her, sending the two of them into a pirouette that was leaving them out of control. Moans and groans of sensation became their music as they becam partners and moved faster and faster in the steps of pleasure.
And went the final movement came, it was loud and high. They stayed cuddled there as they worked up the energy to the next dance on their card.
After that, and a good meal, Ranma would leave Kasumi in a haze of pleasure while:
(Posted Sun, 24 Nov 2002 03:45)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
All other series and their characters are © by their respective creators or owners. No claims of ownership of these characters are implied by the authors of this Addventure, or should be inferred.
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