Not the Cat Fist: Daddy's little whore
[Episode 9765]
Genma was not a bad man and doing something that would ultimately hurt his child was anathema to him. But that was just the ting, he didn't believe that this would hurt Ranma.
As with the Cat fist this was something Genma wanted Ranma to do, and as such he honestly thought she would benefit from it. Despite having grown bald lately he still consider himself to be manly. Yes, he knew that women must desire him and as such, was it not his duty as a man and a martial artist to help those maidens in distress? Was it not his duty to help those women in need? But he still loved Nodoka so doing something manly.. no matter how justified it might be had never really appealed to Genma.
That was until now that is. Ranma was his and Nodoka's child.. it wouldn't be cheating on his wife if he kept it in the family now would it? No, if anything Nodoka would be have been happy had she ever known that Genma took such care in loving their daughter.
His mind at ease Genma pulled his daughter closer to himself, her warm little body feeling so light in is arms.
"She this as a lesson in humility Ranma... a woman no matter how powerful can never defeat a man"
And with that he changed their position slightly, cupping one of her firm buttocks with is right hand he held her in place by her waist as he started to move.
It was tiring of course to do all the work but this way he was the one setting the pace, he the one being in charge.
Ranma didn't seem to mind, and although she seemed a bit startled at first by him taking charge so easily over her she had no other option than to comply with his wishes.
Moving in a slow but steady pace he held her in place where she was pierced on top of him, thrusting upwards and filling her up completely.
Filling her up completely however was an easy task. Ranma's body was tiny reminding him once again that she was still a child even though she was sixteen, and Genma.. well he was manly..
Pushing upwards in and into her his movements were even slower when he retracted his cock pulling it almost all the way out before slowly pushing it back in.
Yes, experience did pay off and just as he had calculated his luscious daughter was soon moaning into his ear as she leaned against him.
"Nooo.. not like that Oyaji"
He heard her plead in a small voice between moans. Ranma might have been able to handle him violently plundering her body, but the slow penetration of her, the love making was proving some else entirely.
"What was that Ranma?.. i couldn't hear you.."
He lied, shifting her weight again as he grabbed her butt with both his hands and spreading her asscheeks in the process. Years of training had made his child and excellent martial artist, and to Genma's joy it had made Ranma's now female bottom both firm and plush. Kneading them like though and doing whatever he pleased with them he firmly and a little more roughly started moving Ranma. This time he didn't move his penis any but moved her body around as if she was a doll or some object that he was using for his won stimulation.
Ranma moaned even louder.
"I said pl-- uh.. not like that.. move.. faster.."
Falling on top of her Genma kissed her face, kissed her lips and kissed her chin. Ranma was almost finished but Genma was far from ever reaching a climax so he decided that maybe he could indulge himself a little.
"Faster, huh? Girl I only do this because I love you."
Pushing him up with the help of his hands he grabbed a hold of her legs splaying them apart even more as if putting her sparse little snatch on display. She didn't have much hair down there much to Genma's happiness. He wouldn't have wanted to shave her down there anyway, he could have hurt her by accident.
Favoring her a smile he pulled at one of her legs so that her foot was resting against his shoulder. Ranma looked away her face all red all of a sudden either from the way he was looking at her or the way she was now placed.
Taking his cock in hand, Genma slid it along his daughters pussy lubricating it with her uses as he did. She wanted it faster..? Well, so did he.
Steering his Penis towards her small warm opening he pushed downwards, spreading her wide with his unseemingly large hard on. Ranma's eyes went wide again a low moan emitting from her throat as was slowly getting filled again. This time however, once Genma had reached into her as far as he could go he withdrew plunging into her moments later only to repeat the motion. Her left leg draped against his chest Genma started to increase the pace rapidly making his little girl cross her eyes as even her moaning and little squeals became incoherent. Ranma had great stamina but as the first wave of pleasure suddenly flooded her mind it was all over for her. Genma had known that he could always beat his child when it really counted and as such he watched her orgasm beneath him her gaze becoming distant as she made the cutest little grimaces he had ever seen. Her body tensed under him and as he continued to ravage her petite little body she came again, and again and again, and again and again.. and then again. Shooting his hot seed into her Genma enjoyed his rightful reward as he let his cock soak in her still twitching little pussy.
Stuffing your mouth and belly full was great, but there was nothing better than stuffing a woman pussy or as it was in this case, a young girls pussy full.
Watching his daughter put on her chinese outfit, which he had told her to wear instead of her gi, Genma made a note of getting her something better to wear and some underwear that would do her justice. Having trained under the master for several years the old pervert had rubbed of on his students and one of the little things Genma had come to acquire a taste for was pretty female underwear.. only he was only interested in seeing to panties and bra's on women, not in his pocket.
"Yes that is good Ranma.. we have a long way ahead of us but before we begin.. build a fire and start making supper.. I'm starving!"
Ranma froze in shock staring at him in disbelief and outrage for several seconds before she finally cursed at him angrily, muttering about being his slave for a month looked more and more like rotten deal to her.
Yes some nice ordinary black panties would make her cute little tush all the more sexy. Knowing that the best month of his life lay ahead of him Genma leaned back chewing on a straw.
Yes, things would be easy from now on..
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(Posted Sat, 30 Nov 2002 09:32)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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