Ranma's Universe: Time to regain his True Manliness...(2) (LEMON) [Episode 8134]

by Sgt. Chibi De'Ohki

Canal faded back into view, the holographic generators finally completing their auto-repair functions and restoring her to visibility -- and enabling her to see the bridge. Her sensors had been focused on picking up the Dreads and hiding the Swordbreaker in the shadow of a nearby moon until everything was optimal again.

Her first sight upon returning to the bridge was of nothing other than the totally nude princess that Ranma had just rescued relaxing, and gently disengaging herself from Ranma. HER Ranma. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at Ranma's no-longer erect member and--

Well, maybe she could share turns with him. Excited, he must be quite an impressive display of a man. In fact, even though Belldandy had cooled down, he seemed to be in the process of 'warming back up'. Hmm. This had potential.

She cleared her throat softly. Ranma twitched, pinned by the girl in his lap, and began to blush. Belldandy, on the other hand, merely offered her an accommodating smile. "Hello!" she said cheerfully. "Ranma said your name was Canal?"

"Yes," she said softly, nodding, while Ranma covered himself with the only thing available -- Belldandy's naked body.

The girl giggled again. "Oooh, you're getting excited again already!" she cooed.

"Oh, Ranma," Canal sighed, shaking her head. "You called me cute, and then you went and slept with Belldandy before me!"

Ranma thought better than to mention Jura and Barnett at that moment, offering a sheepish grin from behind Belldandy. "I'm sorry?" he asked. What could he say to pacify her without offending Belldandy?

Improbably, the princess found the solution for him, bouncing out of his lap, and hugging Canal. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized, pressing the girl's face into her bosom. "I was just carried away, because Ranma saved my life, and he was so heroic, and then he saved my entire planet -- and it's really quite a nice planet, too, you should visit the palace I have there some day -- and I wasn't sure what else to do to show my gratitude, so please forgive me for sleeping with your boyfriend!"

"... boyfriend?" Canal managed dazed by the of words from the other girl, and the large, firm breasts being pressed into her face. "Um.... Ranma is my master, but he's not my boyfriend, in fact we've never even... well...."

"Well why not?" Belldandy said, holding her at arm's length and eyeing her critically.

"I... guess I'm not as cute as you," she grumbled, narrowing her eyes at Belldandy.

"Oh, now that can't be true!" Belldandy exclaimed, laughing. "You're very cute! I think Ranma's just shy."

"Um, I'm still here," Ranma mumbled, both hands clapped over his crotch.

"Now, why don't you just go over there and seduce him?"

"I don't want to just jump him if he's not willing!" Canal protested, the improbability of the situation not quite registering. "I mean, I want it to be perfect! I'd manage to look really sexy, and then he'd come over and ravish me, none of this unprovoked pouncing!"

"Well, then let's set about getting him to take advantage of you!" Belldandy exclaimed, grabbing Canal in a tight embrace, and introducing the inside of Canal's mouth to her tongue. Canal stiffened, hands balling up into fists in outrage at her side. Her first kiss! And it was taken by this woman without even asking for permission!

It was an outrage! An embarrassment! Vile! Unforgivable! And exciting!

Canal blinked, checking that last impulse over again. It was actually exciting. Really exciting. Belldandy was GOOD at this. "Where... where did you learn to kiss like that?" Canal asked, breaking the kiss, and dazed.

"From Ranma!" she said cheerfully. "I hope to be as good as him, some day."

"Oh, well, that's alright, then," Canal replied, still dazed.

Belldandy's lips touched her own, and she responded in kind. If Belldandy thought this would get Ranma to make the jump... who was she to judge otherwise? Either way, it felt good....

Belldandy put her arms around Canal, untying the apron after a moment, then working at the button on the back of her dress. It took the more experienced girl only a moment to reduce Canal to her underclothes: white silk panties, bustier, garter belt, and stockings, each adorned with her preferred pink ribbon motif.

The pair sank to the floor, Canal on top. The garter belt lasted for a moment before it was flung across the deck. The bustier was removed slowly, revealing a fraction of Canal's smooth skin at a time before her breasts were finally free, and her erect nipples were allowed to show. The tantalizing and slow display was not lost on Ranma, who stared with wide eyes, a slow and warm tingling pressure building in his nose, to accompany the throbbing excitement in his cupped hands. He blinked, realizing that such a display wasn't manly, especially when two women were getting busy on the deck of his ship, pausing occasionally to give him a suggestive wink before turning back to one another.

Removing his hands, he allowed his full length to spring into view, shaking his head. Must be manly, he told himself, rising, and taking a few unsteady steps towards the pair. Canal's shapely rear rose before him, covered by her silk panties, and it wiggled enticingly before Belldandy pulled her close, their groins sliding against each other. Belldandy's glistening excitement was already visible, but Canal's appeared before his eyes, her panties darkening with the moisture. Swallowing, he knelt behind her, and gently traced his fingers across her back.

She startled, breaking her kiss with Belldandy and trying to face him. Belldandy obligingly released her enough to turn around, then pulled her down, leaving Canal lying on her back atop Belldandy, almost entirely exposed to Ranma. She flushed suddenly, eyes shining with happiness and lust. "You're really going to do me-- it with me?" she whispered excitedly.

"If you want it, I'd be more than happy to," Ranma offered, grinning. Belldandy gently kissed the nape of Canal's neck, and allowed her hands to play across Canal's belly, gliding down across her hips, then upwards to tease the bottoms of her breasts.

"Ahh," she whimpered. "I've always wanted this," she moaned. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Belldandy hadn't figured into any of her fantasies -- but things were working out quite well, so who was she to complain?

Ranma grinned, and leaned forward, trailing kisses up her belly, pausing to toy with one nipple, and the continuing to kiss her fully on the lips, one hand running through her hair until it reached one long braid. "Oooh," she managed afterwards. He really WAS better than Belldandy! She'd have to practice more, then, to be as good as either of them, then....

The boy leant against her for a second, but gently, mindful of Belldandy, and she slid down slightly, as Beldandy drew her knees up slightly. Now the small of her back was just pressing against the lightly furred thatch of the other girl's delta. Her embarrassment at that lasted only a fraction of a second, as Ranma removed her panties, revealing her own sex, shamefully wet before he had even begun.

She looked away, face reddening, but both Belldandy and Ranma gave reassuring laughs, and she grinned in response, shyly meeting Ranma's eyes. The starship captain's nude body was suspended above her, and she drank in the sight of him -- refined muscle, skin faintly glistening with perspiration, and manhood directed firmly at.... Wow. Would he fit?

"Of course," Belldandy assured her, and she blushed again, realizing that she had spoken aloud. "Will you be as gentle for her as you were for me, Ranma?"

"I was plannin' on it," he replied, grinning, and kissing Canal again. Not that she needed Ranma to be delicate with her -- her body was a hologram. He couldn't hurt her, not physically, without a lot of effort. If he WAS too big, she could subtly adjust herself, leaving him none the wiser... but Belldandy was probably right.

She moaned softly as Ranma's fingertips brushed through the green hair above her nether lips, teasing her clitoris before parting her gently, and helping her lubricate herself further. "Are you ready?" he asked, as she descended from a sudden haze of pleasure. She hadn't been aware that her holographic body was actually capable of sending that strong a pleasure signal.

"Yes!" she gasped, her eyes closing to focus on the sensations. Belldandy's hard nipples poked into her back, and she could feel the other girl's heartbeat through her soft breasts. Delicate fingers caressed her sides, while Ranma ran his hand through her hair again, and she felt something very hard and warm press into her most private area. Following the same path as his fingers, but much larger, she felt him enter her, parting her lips, which swelled with the sensation, and press inside. The warmth redoubled, and her body contracted against him, luxuriating in the sensation of hard muscle pressing against her.

He withdrew himself, and she whimpered at the loss, only to have the sensation returned again, as more of him followed, and he entered her more deeply. Her eyes flew open, while Belldandy kissed the back of her ear. She was stunned to see how little of him he had actually gotten into her. Her mouth opened, but Ranma intercepted her unvoiced questions with his own questing tongue, and she lost herself to the pleasure.

The impossible fullness was finally concluded when she felt Ranma's pelvis press against hers, and he had finally entered her completely. Once there, she broke off the kiss and huffed for breath. So much inside her, and so warm.... He began to pull out, sliding against her, and then thrust in again, his pelvis brushing against her clitoris at the height of penetration, and causing her to gasp, involuntarily tightening around him as she did so. Whenever he thrust into her completely, the small of her back rubbed against Belldandy's clitoris, and the other girl would breathe on her ears, or nibble gently, or kiss her shoulder.

Suddenly realizing that she was making love to two people, Canal threw her arms around Ranma's neck, and crossed her legs behind his rear, bucking upwards and seeking release. It was granted shortly, an explosion within her as her body was rocked by waves of pleasure, and something hot was shot into her, leaving her gasping for breath as her vision became hazed with darkness. She could feel him pulsing within her, pouring his affection into her body, and then she came, too, climaxing and tightening around him convulsively.

"Oooh," she breathed, dazed and happy, aftershocks of orgasm still reverberating through her body. Sated, the trio relaxed for a moment....

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(Posted Sun, 27 Oct 2002 23:11)

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