Zeus's ball: Let the chaos continue (LEMON) [Episode 4819]

by T.H. Tiger

In Ranma’s opinion, Soun had used way too much rope when he’d tied her up. Not satisfied with simply binding her arms behind her back, he’d circled the rope around her waist, and then around her breasts, making them plump out even more than usual. As a result, it took Ranma some time to free herself from the bindings.

The first thing Ranma did once she was free was not to make a search for the disgusting ball, as she had named it, or to attempt escape. No, the first thing she did was to jam her fingers between her legs, and frantically rub her wet and sensitive pussy furiously until she orgasmed furiously. Panting, and her nerves only slightly eased, Ranma began to plan.

Well, the first thing she had to do was to take care of the four perverts. She couldn’t let them run around loose while she looked for the D.B. She looked at the rope she’d left on the ground. That would be enough to take her stupid Pop and Mr. Tendo out of the game, and some cold water would fix Ryouga and Mousse. Planning, done, Ranma started to tie up his father and Soun.

Hidden away in a little secret room in the Tendo-dojo, a wizened face creased in displeasure as it stared into the ruby red depths of the ball between his legs.

Happosai had proven too perverted to be perverted by the ball’s influence, which had made him a perfect master for it, in the ball’s limited view of things. Up till know, he had merely used it as a hidden camera, but with Ranma starting to spoil his fun, other uses for it popped into his mind as the ball filled him in on just what it could do.

An evil laugh floated around the interior of the inclosure, causing Ranma to shudder as a chill went up her bare back. She had dragged Mousse and Ryouga by an ankle each to the Koi pond. Looking around, she could see no sign of anything, so keeping a wary eye on the area around her, she tossed both boys into the pond.

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(Posted Mon, 14 Jul 2003 08:00)

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