Hibiki's secret: "Well the truth is... we're demons Ranma-chan." Says Ryoga, "And I'm actually one thousand six hundred years old." (LEMON) [Episode 1507]

by Nichole Hibiki

"Demons?" Asked Ranma surprised, Ryouga nods, "What kind of demons?" Ranma asked curiously.

Ryouga smiles and chuckles, "I think it'd be easier if I show you Ranma-chan." He answers still smiling.

Ryouga reached up and starts to untie his bandanna, once it's removed completely Ryouga's body starts to change before Ranma's eyes. Ryouga's hair started growing longer until it tumbled to the floor while changing into a shimmering silver color, his ears had changed into what looked like dog ears and had moved to the top of his head. His eyes were now a golden yellow color with slitted pupils, three blue stripes had appeared on his face and a red cresent moon appeared on his forehead. Ryouga's fingernails had grown into razor sharp claws and behind him flowed a long silver furred tail that was a about six feet long. Ranma stared at her mate in complete surprise, for she never thought Ryouga could be a Demon but she didn't seem afraid of her mates new appearance.

"Wow... Ryouga, this is your... true form?" Asked Ranma. Ryoga nods still smiling, "So... what kind of demon are you... and what am I?"

"The Hibiki family are dog demons and in a few minutes, you will be to but that's not the family curse." Says Ryoga while gently running his hand up Ranma's arm. She purred at his touch.

"Than what is the curse besides getting lost?" Ranma asks, she looked down at her own hands and saw her own nails forming into claws, she smiles at the change.

Ryoga also smiles at the changes, noticing that her hair was turning silver like his. "The curse is that when we turn into our human form we lose all traits of our demon powers, luckily when we change back into our demon form our powers return and everything. If we ever find a cure for this curse than we can move about human in human form without worrying about getting lost ever again."

Ranma snuggles up to Ryoga closely, her change is nearly complete, "If we can't get lost in demon form than why don't we stay in that form?" She asks, as she begins to lick his chest smiling when she recieved a moan from her mate.

"We do... stay in demon form when we're away... from populated areas... so we don't cause... a panic to humans." He replise, Ryoga reaches down and gently squeezes her breast while rubbing his face on her soft dog ears, which started twitching at his touch and caused him and her to giggle.

Finally the two couldn't control themselves, the demon couple attacked each other with a fierce kiss. Their tougnes clashed within their mouths, both being carefull not to cut each other with their fangs. By now Ranma's transformation had been complete, she is now a full flegded dog demon just like her hansome lover and now she loved him even more, demon or human it didn't matter as long as she had him nothing could change her mind. Ryoga was the same way about her, he wouldn't change anything about anything as long as he had his beautiful 'Demon' Ranma.

Ryoga's member was getting hard and stiff and it was now inside of Ranma. The two demons continued their kiss with more passion then ever, Ranma's hands glided up and down Ryoga's strong back and her fingers fiddled with his long hair, Ryoga's hands cupped Ranma's soft yet firm butt as he shoved himself deep into her each thrust with intense stregnth which Ranma loved. Ryoga shoved himself into her that they both came with a scream though it was muffled through their mouths.

Ryoga collasps on their futon on his back panting from their little fun, Ranma snuggled next to her lover with the biggest smile on her face.

"You know... for a... demon who's over... a thousand years old... you look really... really good... and that's the truth." Purrs Ranma draping her arm across Ryoga's chest. Ryoga smiles and mimmics her move while wrapping his tail around them both.

"Well you know... demons are immortal... and when we reach... a certain age... we stay the same forever... it's what humans call... eternal youth... and with you by my side, it makes it worth while." Said Ryoga.

Ranma giggles at that remark, "I love you Ryo-kun."

Ryoga smiles at his beautiful demon wife, "I love you too Ran-chan."

The two demons remained snuggled together and fell asleep togehter, both more happy then the two have ever been before.

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(Posted Mon, 14 Apr 2003 00:09)

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