Usagi lay on the ground, naked as the day she was born because of the cat-youma, and waited for the monster on her lap to drain all her energy, and when it started, it wasn’t anything like she expected. The nuzzling down THERE, the pawing right HERE, the licking and nibbling in THAT spot. It was all more than she could bear, and she started to moan in pleasure, with her eyes closed, while doing everything she could to increase it. Usagi quickly found that doing THIS and THAT increased her pleasure, so she continued to do so, not understanding why it increased her pleasure when she wasn’t doing anything to her own body. This went on for many looong minutes, possibly up to half-an-hour, before both the cat-youma and the princess were sated, and both fell asleep, one with a content smile, and the other looking like the cat that got its cream. Guess which is which.
See other episodes by Deus_Ex_Machina
(Posted Thu, 20 May 2004 22:41)
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らんま1/2 © Rumiko Takahashi
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